Exactly, if one of these men used the podium to speechify, the article would be: “Note to Hollywood Men, for just 3 hours on one night, it was your time to shut up and listen, but you couldn’t do it”.
Exactly, if one of these men used the podium to speechify, the article would be: “Note to Hollywood Men, for just 3 hours on one night, it was your time to shut up and listen, but you couldn’t do it”.
It’s tough to get anyone in Washington to admit to obstruction these days.
Right on, man. When are big market teams like the Rays gonna stop taking all the attention?
Her attempts to elide the queerness of most of the dead (and thus why they were targeted) by insisting that the dead were merely “Floridians” and “human beings” was maddening. Oh, so LBTQ people are sex deviants when they want to marry, and child molesters when they want to use a bathroom, but it takes dying to be…
Call him a “kid” all you want, but the young man has learned the game thanks to a parent who surrounded him with some of the best players in the country. That’s why I’m so excited about Louisiana Tech’s new baseball manager, Drake LaRoche.
ESPN actually did a decent article covering how Steph Curry overcame his glass ankles: http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id…
That’s ok Barry, with FanDrool you can play one day puppy fantasy football and not worry about season long commitments!
I’ve tried to make this point before here. There is no way Pete Rose should be trusted around the game of baseball, so the commish was right in keeping him banned.
According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, one of the attackers who detonated a suicide bomb outside of the…
Johnny Manziel’s readying to enter the game after Josh McCown took a hit to the head and fumbled the ball into the…
Sorry, but I won't stop having sex with your sister.
“We will not rest until no team has more than two A-level talents on its roster, no city of more than 20,000 population lacks a hockey franchise, and the Stanley Cup Finals end 36 hours before training camp. Expansion today, expansion tomorrow, expansion forever!”
UNC has vowed to the NCAA that they will look at how a smarter school does institutional control and they’ll copy it.
“Clothing with names is the #1 thing that leads to kidnapping”
Hey, I’m “Reader William” who got in touch with Tim and contributed this after seeing his tweet a couple nights ago. If anyone runs into any bugs with this, let me know and I’ll do what I can to update.
Reddit users can get Insider just fine. It’s just that nobody lets them get Insider for free.