An important milestone on your inexorable march toward bleak death is the sudden realization that most professional…
An important milestone on your inexorable march toward bleak death is the sudden realization that most professional…
RT @darrenrovell: Utterly inexplicable from Donald Sterling. Can't help but think he's done irreparable harm to the Clippers brand.
Looks like they have the Mountain Climbers and Burpees reversed. You'd never be in that position for a Mountain Climber.
isnt it worse to lie about someone being a good person just because they are dead? Since when did dying make you a better person. Part of his legacy and remembering him is knowing that he wasn't someone to worship or think of as a hero. Just another entertainer with a huge ego and a closet full of demons.
I was going to write a big piece about how the entire system is corrupt because it's taking value from both athletes and students by creating the idea that athletics is more important than being a functioning human being, but you know what?
She is badass.
The same two calls happen to NC State and no one notes the similarity. Happens to our league's new golden boy, different story. Also, this happened to Syracuse on the road. That's key, because this is a horseshit league that is dishonestly officiated by deference to the home team, and by makeup calls, so long as they…
Wait, when did Kirk Cameron have a stroke?
Are there non-traffic-seeking bloggers?