A friend was texting him: I dare you to call the technical achievement winners "nerds"!
A friend was texting him: I dare you to call the technical achievement winners "nerds"!
Smells a little fishy for some reason. Now before you get all "another goon who says everything on the internetz is fake" on me, I'm just saying his vimeo acct is brand new, the image quality is excellent, and his vimeo comments are unusually short and non-descriptive considering the perilousness of the event.
Perhaps something like this?
Not so much... ;-)
Same class as the Falcon? How you can even compare this psychedelic Frankensteined monstrosity to the greatest ship of all time is beyond me. Honestly, I never understood what anyone saw in this design. The Bab-5 tail, the landspeeder side engines, the ugly-ass nose section that in no way fits with the rest....ugh.
I see your point, but can't quite get a handle on what these are for. They are merely indicators to the construction crews where to put walls? That's shear madness!
Knowledge of high tide lines and storm waves apparently did not survive the apocalypse.
I'm a little puzzled why you talk about this being in Texas, as if the location mattered? Aren't the machines (and the employees who operate them) just as worthless in every airport they're in?
I carried 3 (metal) framed (w/glass) artworks on board a couple of years ago. I was shocked, too.
Have you checked the Rainydayz remixes? Awesome Radiohead/rapper mashups with Del, Too Short, Chali2na, and others.
Can we start a Kickstarter page to gather money to NOT have this movie made?
I liked the series of YA books about the moon moving closer to the earth (The World as we Knew it). It's told from the POV of a young teenage girl, and reads less like PA fiction than Little House on the Apocalyptic Prairie. But I don't recall any mention of ipods or cellphones, which frankly seems a bit…
You're braver than I. I love PA stories (which is why I read the book), but only made it 20 minutes into the movie before shutting it off. I didn't think it was poorly made, but perhaps because I have such a wonderful relationship with my only-child son, it was just too taxing to watch. It seems easier to make a…
I get that this is just an ad for his book, but I'm not really seeing any comparison between practical & CG effects.
"I've yet to read a YA "Resistance is futile" dystopian novel."
Because when you write an "adult" dystopian novel, it comes out like The Road (disclaimer: I HATED that book). The end times have to be exponentially more dreadful than a YA novel simply for the "realism factor". Adults seems less confident that they are going to re-populate the world after a plague, or overthrow…
huh, kinda seems that way. Perhaps the new measure of geeky success is not getting your company bought or an IPO, but having Day (co-) star in your game/web series/comic/con. Seems like a pretty nice perq.
Lights! Camer....what? The lights are $1850 EACH? Christ, I could buy a REAL movie light for that! Screw the lights! We'll shoot it outside!
I get that they wanted to focus on the destination, but that's my point. Doesn't anybody understand how fucking hard it would be to go to another planet that is, at minimum, many light years away? And do it (I presume) without aging the cast? That's what makes it a fantasy. The amount of technology and its…
hmmm...another headline and story that don't seem to match up. Over at space.com they just explained that this CME is no biggie and will have little to no effect on us. But I *do* feel for the poor ham-radio operators in southern China.