
Whoa, comin' outta retirement for this laugh-fest. I had to re-read the headline a few times to understand that you are ***defending*** Livenation/Ticketmaster! You have got to be fucking kidding me! Their illegal monopoly is almost single-handedly responsible for the demise of affordable live shows and you want to

Well, I'm pretty through with these awful gawker "discussion" threads (and their ridiculous, regressive functionality), so I'll just leave this here:

The beauty of this is, I don't even need to be rich to do that anyway!

Sure, I'd be rich, but how would I listen to my Lady gaga downloads?

I have them in nearly all my home fixtures, too. I like the quality of light from the newer bulbs, and the lower heat waste. My only complaint about CF bulbs is that they sometimes don't fit in old fixtures, and that the "instant-ons" are considerably more expensive. The color temp issue is moot, however as they

Aliens always attack the city that most deserves to be destroyed first, so no contest.

I love when people bitch about the environment and say they be all green an' shit, then complain about the color temperature/warm-up speed of a low-power lightbulb.

If you make them actual bumper cars, then sign me up!

Simple: Just install charging outlet every 20 feet along every road....in the world.

Abandoned, half-eaten donut...disposed of!

$12 @ Urban Outfitters and you don't have to order it from Canada. (Not a plug for UO - they are slightly heinous - jus' sayin')

Clearly. Dang Giz, get wit the program. The boom/echo is so clearly not coming from that yard/bbq kettle. As the user of many sound effects in the past, this sounds like a standard old Howitzer shot.

Maybe the gun he used was a bitchin' replica weapon from District 9.

The stupid f#*$&^g front buttons on my LG phone. I cannot put my phone anywhere (pocket, bag, etc) without it shutting down because of a sustained press to the ginormous, non-recessed front buttons.

Logitech gaming keyboards have a switch to turn off the windows key. :-) It's awesome.

Doubt it will happen for Evergreen. They don't meet the strict criteria NASA set forth. I'm hoping for Seattle, but anywhere on the west coast makes good sense. Makes even more sense to have 1 east coast (NASM), 1 midlands (WPAFB) and 1 west coast (Seattle or LA).

As far as I know, replacing the Enterprise at NASM with one of the 3 shuttles was a done deal. That leaves 2. We need a betting pool. I'll go with Seattle and NASA.

Also wins "Best Bomb Model made from Semi-Tractor Trailer Model Kit".

Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury. The Puritans, and their modern day brethren, want it both ways: Dictate their (supposedly high) morals to everyone while living freaky, sex-up lives.

Brad Manning ring a bell?