
The premise is so blindingly stupid that it's a wonder it made it to the tube at all. When I saw "...Earth is dead, so a group of survivors colonize another planet..." my WTF meter went off the scale. Why do tv writers/producers never seem to understand the HUGE freaking implications of introducing technology like

Looks like 70s/80 to me.

I dunno - do guns come with a disclaimer?

What exactly makes you think this is *not* photoshopped? Not saying it is or isn't, just asking.

At least that was a little more than the standard "ZOMG PIXAR is the awesomest magical factory to work at on the planet!!!" I've been there a few times myself and the guy who says the people there work too hard and need to be told to take a break is accurate. But as usual, filming people riding scooters down the

The "suburban dream" was pretty much a product of mid-century industrialization and the cold war economy. What part of it exactly would "rise from the grave" in a new economic prosperity?

Not that the Grammys mean shit, but I was a little disappointed that "Beyond the Lighted Stage" didn't win for docu. I must have watched that 10 times by now. It's the doc that Rush always deserved, encapsulating the band's amazing career arc that will likely never be equaled or surpassed either in scope or

Whereas Rush's song arrived at the end of the 1st gen suburban upbringing, and at the doorstep of the modern tech revolution, AF's comes somewhere in the middle, and the observations are, appropriately, mixed. But it's not really a fair comparison since AF's song is re-interpreted in the SJ video (which is awesome in

Ah, the old "can't have one while having the other" argument.

Loudly, I would imagine.

Sadly I think if such an event were a certainty, you see more killing sprees than you could shake a stick at. With no future to live for and the chance for little or no retribution, people would do some f***** up stuff.

Totally agree. The last thing I would be interested in (if I were a scientist) would be hanging out in a lab looking at cultures.

They can be as big as an adult pinky finger. They were all over Southern California where I grew up. Hated 'em then, still hate 'em now. Perhaps the ones they refer to in the article are bigger, I don't know, but this is big enough for a cricket!

Seems like they stuck to the Soviet-bloc style and left out a lot of common ones, like my alma mater, Art Center College in Pasadena. A big one from the 70s tv and also in Demolition Man is the old Fluor Corp. building in Orange County. Also, that deco-era L.A. aquaduct is still used for futuristic movies and tv.

Dead right! Hollywood lost its faith in creativity long ago, and the finance and marketing folks took over. They went from supporting talented young filmmakers (many of whom went on to become industry superstars) to making everything based on the pitch ("It's Aliens meets The Deer Hunter, but takes place in a

Holy crap that was awesome! Thanks to OP for posting it.

Close enough:

@shoe18: Belief in alien life forms has nothing to do with "sightings" like this. The two are unrelated. You only attach them in your mind with gigantic leaps of illogic.

@cletar: Hmph. Guess it's not one of these then?

What, exactly, is the _sledge_ for? Attacking the asshole who just crashed into your car because he thinks his snow tires and amazing skills allow him to drive at speed under any conditions?