@Lincolnsbeard33: Saying "The coolest character from TPM" is like saying "The funnest thing at the dentist".
@Lincolnsbeard33: Saying "The coolest character from TPM" is like saying "The funnest thing at the dentist".
@Dr Emilio Lizardo: I would only drink from a can in the interest of science. But then I'd need a statistically significant sample, so I'd drink a few cans. Then I'd need a control group of cans to drink. Then I'd have to be able to repeat my results, so I'd have to drink more....but it's all for science, you…
Sensational headline is Sensational!
@8x10: Ha! Real mean know how to drink their whiskey...from a can!
@Iamtehawesome: From what I gathered, it was a no-confidence move. They saw it would cost a bundle and didn't want such an inexperienced and unknown director. Sure, his name means a lot to us geeks, but the general public could care less who directs a film (unless it's Lucas, Spielberg, or Cameron).
@rek: Well, there's Halo, and uh, okay, just Halo. But my (poorly made) point was that movies in development crash and burn all the time. They aren't even starting pre-prod til April, and a lot can happen in the time right up to the start of shooting.
@lightninglouie: Totally agree. But I think what's broken here is the mindset of the tv writers in failing to see beyond the previous tv archetypes when populating their stories. I think the situation can seem bleak and nearly hopeless and still be entertaining.
Nice write-up. What I don't understand is why writers/producers simply don't address the issues that killed previous shows.
This could be great, assuming the movie gets made. Blomkamp has a tendency to ditch or get pulled off projects. And they'd better hurry - Mead, at 78, isn't getting any younger.
@Mount_Pious: I agree, he's smart and quick, which is why I found it frustrating when he seems to pander down to the audience. Perhaps he deserves another listen.
The only podcast, comedy or otherwise, I absolutely count down the minutes to each week, is The Bugle.
@Mount_Pious: Perhaps for some, but I gave it a few listens and found it basically unlistenable. Absurdly obnoxious ≠ teh funny.
@Lonesharkx: Hearted for truth.
@D Israel: I love this typo. If I had a band I would call it Ambiguous Angel.
Sounds pretty benign to me, like they are simply referring to foreign satellites or something like that.
@BSartist: Clearly.
@earthclanbootstrap: Never saw that before - hilarious. Love the line, "may have once hosted a healthy, active, fun-filled microscopic life."
@linkgx1: She apparently has 1 talent - boobies.
@hercules_100_98: Oh I agree. In tv, budgetary conveniences always take precedent over scientific accuracy. But I'm not really clear why it's on another planet.