
@Totenglocke42: Point taken. I just don't think there's much (if anything) on tv that is worth the trouble.

@the-goat: What has the year got to do with it?

@Totenglocke42: What's with the hostility? Not saying that at all. Your assumptions are a bit insulting.

@#5: I'm not so certain that viewers avoid shadowy conspiracy shows as much as they avoid shows that make zero sense unless you have watched from the first episode.

@kelz: Good question. The Core is a good example. While we don't know everything about conditions at the center of the earth, the idea that we would have tech that could overcome the tremendous pressures opens up some possibilities. Why not use the insane heat/pressure to have some interesting plot points revolve

@kelz: But there is so much more interesting stuff that could be done while utilizing actual scientific realities, rather than just bypassing all the known laws because it's cheaper and easier to tell the story that way. Writers and studios are just lazy and cheap, respectively.

A "time capsule" from 1985? Jeez, that was like yesterday. Some people are still driving the same cars and watching the same tv shows as in '85. Some probably still have food in their pantrys and wear a few clothing items from '85. Hardly worthy of a time capsule.

@jinchoung: Well said. Having been involved with a few turkeys myself, it's easy to see why those involved remain blind to the turkeyness of their turkeys: Negativism doesn't pay, and no one likes a whiner.

Some of these are nice, but I think I'll be forever smitten by Aly Fell's Bride art.

I realize I'm simply projecting the sentimentalism of my own childhood here, but this plane was truly one of the modern technological wonders that heavily fueled my imagination as a kid. "Spaceships" like this made the US and its military seem like it would forever be on an upward trend in speed and tech, and that

Sooooo, the studios' solution to people not paying to see shit movies is....(wait for it)...make better movies!

@jmith: Agreed +++

@frankenstoen: The earth-folks as food argument could be made quite interesting if the aliens merely orbited above, and sent down "food retrieval missions" every now and then. The chaos and violence that ensued on each surprise visit could be quite cinematic. Earth would be a like a diner at an interstellar truck

"Perhaps the best, most realistic, movie that could be made about alien contact is the two hellish hours a small band of survivors of the initial strike would last as they saw the planet ripped apart and broken down under them"

Oh, lordy did I covet this toy as a kid. Still kinda do, actually! I used to see it sitting in the locked glass case, price far too high for me to even entertain ever owning.

Snow train loves the snow:

@vinylrake: I think it's a serviceable Arnie vehicle and is entertaining in its own cheesy way, but it would have been nothing without his screen presence.

Seems like a pretty effective way to distract from the real leaks:

Of all the great stories and terrible movies that might benefit, they choose to remake this one?

I have decided to forgo any of these gifts and am giving every one of my employees a disposable car instead. It's cheaper.