
All indications point to this being a solid improvement over steam cats, but does anyone else miss the blowing wisps of steam from the slot after launch? Just looked cool, that's all.

@J_Frank_Parnell: Fortunately the cosmic ray bursts were relatively harmless since they were essentially 2-dimensional and only one atom thick.

Looks like it just impacted on the surface.

@Demihuman: If we could only shake some sense into the digital video denialists!

Forget evolution - someone needs to explain the backlighting control on their video camera to the interviewer.

@chadbeckwith: Stay away from the pterosaurs, though. They taste like sashimi wrapped in an old boot.

@iNFERNiS: "Star Beast" is my new band name.

@DrLocrian: No doubt it was a case of brilliant leadership on Scott's part, but I also agree that it's no guarantee the movie would have been any worse (or better!).

@uu_ugene: Not sure if this would ever be suitable for passenger travel, though it's been much-speculated upon since the tech first appeared achievable (even if in the distant future). The problem arises when one questions the *need* to be anywhere in the world that quickly. Sure, it'd be ultra-convenient, but the

@Atrum II: To be fair, there are plenty of vaginas to go around, too.

@Josh Young: And strangely dismissive of Ron Cobb's otherwise immense contribution to the look of the Alien series. At least try to learn something about who you are trashing.

This really needs to be the center piece of a James Bond film. If it were done believably (i.e, non-Moonraker-like), it could open people's eyes to the possibilities.

@applefandan: I'm sure the whole thing is pilotless, and the "3rd spacecraft" is the payload launched from the 2nd.

Nice work, Matt. Sound quality needs a little work, but I look forward to more episodes.

@SupaChupacabra: All I remember of this movie was the main character, uh, pleasuring herself on the corpse's face at the end. Truly mind-expanding for a sheltered 19 year old suburban boy.

@rick23: The 2/mo isn't really so astounding if you keep in mind that Google has in the neighborhood of 24,000 employees. It's going to be pretty damned impossible for every one of them to keep their mouths shut - that's just human nature.

@salemid: +1. Even "good" HDR looks processed and fake to me. It has its place, but luckily seems to be fading a bit from the hype radar. I work in the 3D graphics business and I cannot WAIT for this crap to end.

But...but...I thought that hokey religions and ancient weapons were no match for a good blaster at your side?