
@crosis101: I can listen to the (original student) version of THX1138 all day. Yes, "listen". The sound work on that is astounding. And it's all analog freakin' tape!

Do not want.

@Possums: Thanks for the tip. I've drifted away from Hulu-type broadcasts (the kind with less, and shorter commercial breaks), so maybe it's time to drift back.

I think you really need something with the viciousness of a rampaging bear, but with an airborne attack so that no one is safe.

I'm already tired of tv series where you are instantly "lost" if you miss any previous episode. Sorry, but for those of us who are dvr-less and refuse to give int to cable tv (yes, I'm serious), it's a losing proposition.

For fans of Daniel Simon's vehicle designs, I highly recommend his awesome book:

The finishing touch will be a handicap parking space in his driveway.

@afreemaniii: Interesting. But what caught my eye in the article is that the barriers cost $700 each. I mean, it's a few pieces of heavy wire mesh and some canvas, right? Or am I missing something?

@phoghat: I second the "Articles of War" endorsement. The WD titles are fun, but the other short is extremely moving and captivating. Just stunning.

@Jack B. Quick (jbq): I like the MM titles enough to watch them every time. It's sort of a mood shift that leads into the era of the show, while at the same time being fairly non-descript (like using a pop song would be). Also, the bodies falling out of buildings (suicide?) lends a dark edge to a show that certainly

I can see a terrorist act (like a dirty bomb or nuke) escalating to world-destroying proportions (retaliation or mistaken enemy), but the whole "escape beyond the solar system" just sounds hokey.

@Arken: Huh, never thought about that. This certainly makes more sense:

Insanely high expectations? Check.

It's pretty well documented that Lucas used a few pieces of pre-existing artwork when writing, and later, when pitching SW to studios. An example is this iconic John Berkey "Death Star" image, though Berkey was actually hired later to do some poster work for the movie. This wookie business seems to be a bit of a

@m9105826: Well stated! In Clarke's 2010 book, I was almost more fascinated by what was going on back on Earth. It's mentioned a few times, but the idea of waiting a few years after the first monolith was found, to waiting 10 years for the 2nd expedition...well, I don't think any writer could do proper justice to

Hmmm, Arthur C. Clarke much?

Just reading Brave New World (embarrassingly, for the first time), and this line struck me:

@corpore-metal: Yeah, but updated: "I'm in yer hacker-box, stealin' yer internetz" type of stuff. And then an actual, 150 ft. high dramatic chipmunk stomps the city to ruins.