
@corpore-metal: This makes me think they need to make a movie with every hackneyed cliche about computers, but taken to ridiculous extremes.

@TheCrudMan: If memory serves, that screen was actually a graphics "new user" demo that ran in the Irix OS. It's like they waited until the day they shot the scenes and suddenly needed a "time sucking" UI device. Kinda shocking considering it's Spielberg and all.

@FrankenPC: It's well known that a black hole's gravity is so great that not even Cameron's ego could escape it.

Coincidentally, also the 5th billion user post calling flickr's UI a piece of s%$#. 6 clicks to get to a big pic? It also looks and feels like I go through 3 different websites just trying to drill down. Who designed that crap, a keyboard manufacturer?

@vicryixiv: I see your point, but there has been a steady stream of novels, art books, toys, and video games in the last 10 years.

Can't wait for this book. The first one, Making of Star Wars, was epic, and not entirely complimentary to Lucas. Kinda surprised to see so much LFL involvement, but hey, George can smell profits no matter what he medium, and has clearly proven that he has no shame.

Even if a bear were chasing me.....I would not climb this to escape - at least not to the top. Being mauled to death by a bear is actually preferable to this.

Many of these will be included in Robertson's upcoming book:

@Destronok: The Men Who Stare at Goatse.

@Christopher Cosgrave: I stopped reading Cinefex long ago for just this reason. Thankfully, there are a few folks out there who still use model work, and use it brilliantly.

@n3onkn1ght: While is is beautiful and well made, I agree they didn't really set up the motivation for him to kill again. And as for PTSD, the battle scenes didn't seem to indicate that he would suffer intense trauma later on. I agree with the comment that it should have been made to look like he was responsible for

@Cupajo: Humanity is probably doomed, no matter what.

And does this qualify as "fantasy"?

Amazingly (or perhaps not), I have ZERO recollection of a birth scene in the Prequels. I know I saw it, and was probably sober by that point, but nothing. Nada.

As a lifelong 2001 fan, as well as a huge fan of Trumbull's work, I am actually giddy about this. This movie is so brilliant on so many levels. It feels like a movie that changes over the years - it grows & evolves with you, and becomes something new each time you look at it.

I think we know what needs to be done: Aim all our nook-u-ler missiles at the moon and FIRE! I won't sleep til that thing's destroyed.

And thus completes the evolution from threat to sales pitch. Or is it the other way around?

Nass mentions classic cartoon characters, but Clippy has nowhere near the personality of Bugs Bunny, et al. Aside from the functionality issues he mentions, Clippy fails simply as a character design. Much like the often maligned Olympic mascots, Clippy was designed to be as innocuous and ethnicity & character-free

I had this one in my files. I'm only posting it here because it's clearly attributed to the original artist. Plus, she's hot!