
I can say, without a doubt, this is the most awesomest cake ever! Sadly, I don't think any of the displaced natives of the (still uninhabitable) atoll got a slice.

Best part: Fat guy in striped shirt slides right at 1:00, then back again.

It may be a homemade version of the early internet meme "Twirl-A-Squirrel" (a real product, btw).

I remember this as being my first great disappointment of a movie from a great sci-fi story. And from Worfgang Peterson, no less, a director I was actually excited about. Sigh.

These are really spectacular. I can imagine a slide show of these with The Conet Project playing in the bg.

@AgainstAllOdds: My expertise in unicorn bodily emissions is not what it could be....

Seeing these together reminds me how awful most of these are. And as someone who actually had to animate this for a TNG video game, I say that with some experience.

@buzztechyear: I agree, but it hides something else - money. Seriously, day in, day out, people drop coins on the floor all the time. Good luck finding them in THAT! Especially if they roll any distance away from the gambler.

Uses rainbow unicorn pee instead of ink? It'd be cheaper....

@blatanville: How long will it be before someone makes a LOST-type tv series where the main character repeats about 7 days of his life over and over? Hey, that's not bad! The implications could be interesting, if it were something interesting like the Duncan Jones "solve a crime" idea or a big, drawn out X-Files

@Groucho Marxism: Yeah, I guess a 21' diameter sterile tube just doesn't have the same appeal to the general public.

Firstly, I grew up on these and love them, in all their ridiculousness.

@GirlLibrarian: Damn, AB is just on fire in that scene. Seen it at least 4 times and always laugh to tears.

@Knight_of_Pentacles: It's a sad fact that not enough high school job counselors are informing graduates of the opportunities available to them in the field of ghost shark hunting.

@espinha: They're where unicorns come from, silly!

@Damage: Let me know when they put it in a can.

@Shamoononon: Sounds like someone wrote this after emptying the chamber.

@moonshadowkati: They just wouldn't be able to contain the debris before it rained down on the Earth.

@moonshadowkati: Well, that, and the combined GDP of the 10 richest countries. But seeing as they are putting about $0 into this now, the future for asteroid deflection does not look bright. Or maybe _too_ bright!