
@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: I heartily agree with this. As a 3 year attendee some 10 years ago, I can say firsthand that this is a wonderful way to experience it. The people and camps i met were all amazing and memorable. I cannot even imagine my annoyance at attending nowadays with everyone fiddling with their iphones

@chauncy that billups: Many current and former participants say this already happened - just pick any year. I attended for 3 years around the millinium, and if I went today, it would be an altogether different experience. Attendees over the years say it's changed, but whether it's for the better or worse is

@Dolmangar: And then I'll catch shit for it when I turn in my travel reciepts.

Giant, heavier than air tentacled monster in the sky = okay.

Snipes as Geordi is nothing compared to Reggie Jackson (!) as Geordi. I mean, Snipes was a good and known actor, but Jackson?

BM and this event aren't even on the same weekend, so why one or the other? There's a reason BM banned driving (other than for art-cars): Too many people getting run over.

@Ernest L Coleman: Yeah, that certainly seems more like seminal sci-fi (And I don't just say that because I was 12 at the time and uh....nevermind!) than Moon or D9. It was certainly a worthy and memorable film, even if a little cheesy.

@RoboticSpacePenguin: I fully appreciate the chances Blomkamp took, but for me, the fatal flaw is the silly Outer Limits-style "man turns into alien" plotline. I see the metaphor (it's terribly obvious), and while the fx and acting are first rate, the overall story is clunky and riddled with holes, so it just doesn't

@W10002: Set aside time to watch it twice. In a row! I finally caught up with this film last year and i honestly have thought more about it than just about any other film. I think it's one of those thoughtful films that will have a long shelf life.

@Ernest L Coleman: Agreed, but this being the internets, I thought hyperbole was in order - the most hyperbole you have ever SEEN!

Replace "Incredibles" with "Silent Running" and you got a bullet-proof list.

@Phariad: Agreed. I forgot the Dean bros on my list. I grew up on Magnetic Storms, Views, and The Flights of Icarus, as well as Yes & Asia album covers!

As a connoisseur of mostly sci-fi art (spaceships and environments), I'd like to add a couple links to highly accomplished artists:

@Snafu77: There's eyeball-goatse right on the cover - how could it NOT be worth it?

It could certainly be used to liven up some artists' music.

@crosis101: a quick search shows over a dozen attempted moon landings with unmanned vehicles, and that's just up to the year 1964. What Washington bozo couldn't look at these and talk to the scientists and discover (as they already knew) that the moon was not made of soft, deep quicksand?

For those who want their Pirahna carnage on land, there is...Chihuanhas!