
The fucking worst is when all of the lines are slammed during peak hours and the premium/pre-check lines are just...there...only processing one or two people every 10 minutes. During those peak times, open up those lines to the general public you fucking incompetent assholes.

That was fucking amazing.

Get it? Probably not. She should watch The Avengers and Winter Soldier. You can fill her in on the rest.

At one point in your life a tired adult that resented the hell out of you put up with your snot nose and shitty pants.

You good at playing Operation? Yeah, me neither. These dryers fucking blow.

Stay trashy, deadspin.

Pictures are pictures so why should they be?

I feel like a dirty stupid idiot when I waste time watching an NFL game. Tears of a clown bro.

This is disappointing. Can’t say I’m surprised given Snyder’s track record. Rental at best then.

I wish I didn't know anything about any of this.

Baseball players!

Nah. He's one of

Yeah, miles per week. It's not overtraining if you've run properly while slowly building your base. The 80/20 rule is fantastic...cut back weeks, recovery jogs...all of that stuff works. Obviously, some runners have won the genetic lottery and can post fast times on minimal mileage.

Oh yeah, and don’t put those stupid fucking 26.2, etc., stickers on your car. Nobody fucking cares and you look like an idiot. No one in your life cares about your running. They may say they do but they are politely lying to your face. If you absolutely need to talk about it with someone, find an online forum or try

Don’t run a full marathon until you’ve been running for at least a year at 5 to 7 days a week, with at least a 50mpw average. So, if you’re going from fatcouchdude to pavement it might take you a couple of years to work up to that. Ain’t no shame in that. Yes, you can run a marathon whenever the hell you want but why

Hey Goose, die. Thanks.

Wow, that looked terrible.

Yeah, why would they want to give to a guy that is completely infatuated with the NBA?

BMI is horrible and should be ignored.

He shouldn't believe that he needs to be quick to forgive. But he does because he's been conditioned to believe the lies spewed from the pulpit. His anger will come and it will be that much more difficult for him to process.