Like any sale, don’t buy things you don’t need.
Like any sale, don’t buy things you don’t need.
It’s a joke, lighten up francis
To be fair, there’s nothing wrong with using Commercial off-the-Shelf parts in something so long as they’re still fulfilling the purpose they were designed for—to a point; we all know you get what you pay for! A CotS solution that has been rigorously tested and approved for its application is better than engineering…
Honestly the sound mix in virtually all theaters has been trash since... forever. They have to provide That Moviegoing Experience which means way overblown bass at the expense of everything else. IMAX is the worst, the audio is just strictly louder without being any clearer or better localized. Saw this in Dolby…
Interestingly, I knew I was trans/ nonbinary since I was a kid, and before I even knew those such words existed.
Hiding these terms from kids isn’t gonna not make them trans/ gay/ etc, it’s just gonna make the kids that are these things feel incomplete. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m an unapologetic Rogue One fan. The ending is masterful.
I’ve never understood why so many people hate Return of the Jedi. A lot of it is surely the too cool for school pose of hating on Ewoks, but there’s just so much to like in Jedi and a lot of it is character focused. Obiwan’s conversation with Luke is legitimately one of the best parts of Star Wars. As a kid it was…
My WFH days are when I get the most work done. This week is one of my busiest weeks of the year, my boss told me to stay home so I can get more done. Trust your workers, Elon. If you can't trust them from home, either they have deeper issues, or you do.
Please Universe, remove this man from this time line.
Children stuck in a house with Jared Leto and Tiffany Haddish does sound terrifying.
I can’t condone the hack, but I have to admit that it’s on brand for Lain.
By then they’ll be saying it’s wizard, or maybe shway.
Its soo much more damning that I guess gamers look at her and thhink “Ugg, what a fat woman that is”
My mind is blown. That was probably fifteen hundred words about how stereotypes and attitudes about fat people are being promoted by...a character that isn’t fat.
She’s not fat tho? Like I can't find any depiction of her as anything other than very fit and muscular. Not as muscular as zarya but still strong looking. You don't have to be fat to like food/want to eat a lot
Agreed. Nuance is lost. “I am right. They are wrong.” Repeated over and over.
This article is unbearable, and might finally be the tipping point for me to leave this site. AI art is a tool. Saying it spits on “real animators” is short-sighted, and reeks of people that refuse to adapt to the times, like anyone saying that Photoshop, filters, or digital animation weren’t doing “real art.”
The article is just drenched in outrage. This is on par with the kind of burn-it-all-down writing you find in response to a tweet about how maybe a 25% tip for take-out is a bit much.
In TF2, invisible spies (and spies disguised as the enemy team) don’t contest/capture control points/the payload.