
“I am the very model of Salarian style prejudice.”

I also think that people complaining about a lack of characterization aren’t looking at anything except that which was explicitly handed to them in dialogue.

It’s funny, when I came out of Rogue One, I was one of those people, with regard to Jyn Erso herself. But after some reflection, I realized that Erso is about as

You think the Emperor of Japan is a world leader? You might as well have said Prince Charles. Perfect Kinja.

Now a Pokémon Go challenge:

WikiLeaks has hit rock bottom. Once dedicated to careful vetting and redaction—sometimes too much redaction—the

Man, I love this site STRICTLY for content like this, but you have got to have some of the most cancerous commentors of all time lurking around here. Why can’t people just let other people like things?

Seafood, ranked:

Her speech, with its references to Seneca Falls and all the history that came before, was in perfect tune.

I’m waiting for someone else to say Yay, Hillary! so that they can shoulder the brunt of the anger and conspiracy theories.

yes, thank you!

i’m getting destroyed by my #neverhillary friends for accepting her as nominee, despite my own beliefs. am i happy about it? no, but third parties aren’t viable winners and i’m not going to just let drumpf have the motherfucking presidency.

ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto

I supported Bernie Sanders during the primary, but I am starting to turn towards Hillary. Trump makes George W. Bush look like a foreign policy expert. I liked Bernie’s ideas and I hope that Clinton adopts some, but I will stand with her as the next president of these United States. Whoa, that felt weird to write. But

I’m just going to come out and say it; this is bass-ackwards. Space Suits are an extremely difficult challenge to overcome, and starting from an esthetic point of view is going to make it more difficult, not easier.

Turns out this guy was just popping his ears with a yawn:

Comparing COD to Mass Effect is like comparing a Trump speech to Shakespeare.

Right? LOLOLOL And people keep telling me gender doesn’t matter. Go on Hillary you keep doing the do while everyone tries to say they’re feminists - you’re actually PAYING the women. Go on Hill!

Me too. So Hillary’s should be a photo of her and a stack of still-classified documents in plain sight and Bernie’s should be him doing literally anything except math.