
bernietax.com does not include the 6.2% tax on employers to fund single payer.

15-20 minutes seems like a long time for a fire in a sealed box.

I don’t think anybody (media or readership) seriously believes that this particular AI is going to take over the world. I’m reading all of these nice fanciful headlines and responses in jest. However, I think you’re missing the distinction between AlphaGo and previous iterations of AI that have accomplished similar

Sensor reliability is worse than human reliability. Take it from the aviation world: sensors on airplanes provide a slew of data (e.g. pressure, velocity, and air density) that is interpreted by the onboard computer and translated into flight maneuvers. The moment you fly into a storm? Any weather system with dynamic

Saw another variation of this with Trump as the “First Oompa-Loompa President of the United States”

Well done for facilitating such a thoughtful and thorough discussion! I wouldn't have thought it possible on a topic so fraught with internet landmines. Seeing this kind of interaction is why I keep coming back to io9.

There have been some structural studies on how the internal cabin of a BWB can be most efficiently subdivided with respect to structural capability and weight! Also, with regards to the problem of passenger comfort far from the airplane centerline, it may be possible to design the cabin such that the passengers are

A tube-and-wing is the best shape for a pressurized vessel in terms of structural efficiency. The effect of differential pressures on a cylinder is simple to analyze. A lifting wing body, which would require additional internal structures to ensure integrity. It's a performance vs. weight trade study!