

Well, then you may as well toss every competition: this is how most of them work.

I think the Spelling Bee is stupid as hell (especially now that I know that it’s basically a racket), but I will say that I immediately judge and caste down people who write things like “defanate” or mistake “effect” and “affect”, etc. This automatically makes you a peon and NOT WORTHY OF MY CONTINUED CORRESPONDENCE.

One of the most underrated qualities of the best actors is to know exactly what kind of movie they are in, and deliver their performance at exactly that level. When an actor nails the tone, and you can tell they are having an absolute blast with the material, it’s one of the best experiences you can get as a

Never underestimate the power of Smash Mouth.

It was a well paced movie full of entertaining, funny, likable characters, and also, JLH was at her absolute peak as one of the most attractive women ever.

After I complained about the white foster parents in my org not doing their kids’ hair properly, I was asked to teach a seminar (me, a non-professional!). The org made it mandatory for trans-racial foster parents.

OMG man makes a joke about being excluded from a hair group on FB and I assumed everyone would take it as a joke. What a sad world we live in.

He asked to join a “natural hair” fb group and folks responding about safe spaces? Because “other things are sometimes discussed”? LMAO. Well if that’s the case why is the group named “natural hair”. Or another post that said “those that don’t know who you are may auto-reject you”. I’m a Black mom with natural hair

Licorice already warns you not to eat it with that awful flavor.

No. A security staff job, yes.

“A lot of little guys” is a funny way to describe malicious state actors. “A lot of little guys, and targeted campaigns from foreign governments...”

And Kurt Russel.

This right here. As long as I'm not uploading porn or videos calling for violence against anyone, Facebook shouldn't be judging what I upload is true or not. The problem isn't Facebook in this instance, but our orange president who shares this crap himself. If he was normal we probably wouldn't even be talking about

Don't generalize them like that. They also know Twitter execs, Google execs, and a few venture capitalists. At least. 

Draft-head here. And, yes, I was excited beyond belief to find out that this movie exists. But now that I’ve been spoiled on the ending, I feel . . . burned.

These Facebook execs needs to spend one week in the Deep South. I’m pretty sure all their pie-in-the-sky bullshit opinions about how they’re not harming society will evaporate within 36 hours. Jesus Christ, it’s like they don’t know anyone else but other Facebook execs. 

Ugh. I clicked on this wondering if there’d be a picture, but not really wanting to see a picture. What is wrong with me?

If someone could remove the memory of this story from my brain with a fine hook tool, that’d be great thanks. 

Just set your head on fire. You can never be TOO sure.