
We’ve all probably given up on a movie after 3-5 min. With the crushing queue of Netflix, On Demand, Prime, etc, ain’t nobody got time for that.

This is probably not the point, but holy crap, Jennifer Lawrence is jaw droppingly stunning there.

Come sit with me, Jennifer! I haaaate DDL’s performances to begin with (the frenzied level at which he emotes is just super inauthentic and distracting to me; I always feel like I’m watching some butthurt theater professor trying to prove how hard he can act. So hard! Much yelling! Such spittle!), but THIS is his

First relatable thing Jennifer Lawrence has ever said. Yes girl. Boring as fuck storyline. We’ve all lived it, it’s not entertainment.

Trying to get with cousins is always a disaster.

Black Republican. She likes the Token life.

His story checks out.

I would absolutely pay to see a movie with just Bruce and Tony inventing stuff and shit talking for two hours.

I don’t think Millar means it’s about secret identities as in the plot device of keeping secret. He means we’re more engaged with them as people we get to know than the powers and identities they do heroism in. The MCU got its momentum from absolutely nailing Steve Rogers and Tony Stark and pulling off a miracle with

“With all that’s going on the world right now, I think people could use a little old-fashioned.”

I don’t agree with him at all. Marvel’s movies work because they found the right balance of accessibility, humor, action, drama, character and heart. DC hasn’t been able to do that yet.

Even Superman, I love Superman, but he belongs to an America that doesn’t exist anymore. He represents 20th Century America and I think he peaked then.

Marvel movies work because Marvel Studios makes them. They know their characters. DC movies don’t because WB makes them. They neither know nor care.

But it’s all a vast media conspiracy! It’s impossible for people to like things I don’t like! If they do, they have to be faking. It’s the only explanation that makes sense!

I feel like it’s being “pushed” because a lot of people feel it to be true based on the evidence. You know, how most people formulate and distribute opinions.


Petition for when there’s an inevitable live-action adaptation of Cowboy Bebop to cast Michael B. Jordan as Spike? Will the adaptation probably suck? Yes. But at least Michael B. will be cool as hell in it.

Oh, Danielle....you know the colonizers would lose their minds over anything that portrays Black people in a positive light, or at least one that shows them as superior to them.

When your white friends want to go a Black Panther screening with you but, uh....

This is what he ran for. Another reason why elections matter: electing a civil rights attorney as the DA can fix a lot of screwed up stuff rather quickly.