
Someone, somewhere is receiving this news with a building flush of wild defiance. “Not this spaceboy”, he thinks. Immediately, theJNCO Reclamation and Refurbishment Project’ begins to form around the edges of his mind. He will not enslave himself in the ball-constricting pants of society. He will build a grand and

It was unclear in my post, but I am pro-profanity. I think it is fucking awesome that NBC seems to have just given up this Olympics on the stupid bleeping or silencing of certain words but not others.

Filed to: OOPS

To be clear: during my years as a BP agent, I was complicit in perpetuating institutional violence and flawed, deadly policy. My book is about acknowledging that, it’s about thinking through the ways we normalize violence and dehumanize migrants as individuals and as a society.

But what good are the people who don’t even vote - they don’t count. 

The choices in the last election might have been horrible or horribler, but if someone didn’t vote at all and t.Rump won with < 50% of registered voters then the non-voter is complicit in electing t.Rump.

Of course it’s a joke. If it were the real thing you would have said “Looser Hillary”.

LOL 2 people. I believe the count is 30 something senior and mid level staffers with provisional clearance.

Seriously! You NEVER waste your A-material on morons. Save your breath and your big-lie firepower for the clever folk.

Bingo. A healthy system doesn’t have leaks, because there’s no need for it. Leaks are the symptom of an unhealthy system that’s trying to rid itself of an infection.

At least the bush administration had PowerPoint presentations. Trump’s av game is weak.

You’re out of the greys? Jesus christ next you’re going to tell me we elected a reality show host to be President.

Yeah, you would think after so much practice lying, they would get better at it, but I think they’re actually getting worse.

The don’t have to be good at it. Their supporters are fucking morons.

Yes. And there is going to be more of this.

Oh god, the masturbatory “I ended global warming by banning winter” speeches would be insufferable.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen an administration lie so badly. Perhaps you could argue Bush’s excuse to invade Iraq, but I think Trump tops it because they lie about everything so much.

While the casting of a woman in an iconic male role is somewhat progressive, I’m told it will be undercut by the show’s updated title, The Greatest American Hero (For a Girl).

It is good.

You, my friend, are not that good at this.

What happened? Did someone trick Keyser into saying his own name backwards?