
I just think of those unsuspecting kids who were rocking their Spider-man and Black Panther merch only to see them whoosh.... it makes me giggle and realize that maybe kids aren’t for me right now.

My dad is legit still pissed whenever I bring up this movie. Like, I keep telling him they are going to bring them back, and he instinctively knows this. But seeing his favorite childhood heroes killed off like that? Like, shit gets real dark real quick-like when we discuss Infinity Wars. lol  Like, if you mention

Fuck off. But just you specifically.

You should plug each of those names into the search tool. We’ve covered all of them repeatedly, and will continue to.

Then it’s mandatory pencil mustaches for the boys and berets for the girls at 16.

Makes sense they are required to start smoking at age 6.

I know in France it’s illegal to not let 8 year olds drink wine.

Way to find the worst and most useless take on the article.

“which, it must be noted, was not fully staffed after half of its workforce disappeared in a tragic Thanos-related work accident”

This is Kidnapping 101. When you kidnap white children, the first thing you do is to take them to the busiest store in the neighborhood to buy them items they may need - fresh cut turkey, kale, mayo, cop uniforms - to make sure they fill at home. Than you show them Small Wonder reruns to hypnotize them and finally

That is what this Narracist wants. He wants to be forced out that way he can live the lie that if not for outside forces he would have made TSLAQ a trillion dollar company. But, instead the SEC, Blackrock, Shorts, Big Oil, Pedo divers, battery spies all conspired to take him down.

I’ve never understood Vanderpump’s stranglehold as RHOBH’s fan favorite. She’s super manipulative and basically just a Regina George with a hoity accent.

Congrats on instantly triggering some Apple fanboys with a statement that is perfectly fair. 

Taylor does it until she has to make an actual statement, at which point she makes herself the victim even when she’s been caught red-handed.

That bit about Suge Knight saving Michel’le-I think it’s a great example of how people can be horrible and good all rolled into one. 

Any Texan who would be swayed by an Obama endorsement was already voting for O’Rourke anyway, while a lot of folks on the fence would be instantly alienated by it.

Yes, what would help Beto in TEXAS is Obama showing up to endorse him.