
In all sincerity, she would be quite attractive if the bitterness and hate she seems to have for everything didn’t constantly seem to be twisting her face into unpleasant expressions.

Da hell? How did I miss out on all of this ratchetness? I feel bad that someone died, but this: “Pebblez da Model” — OMG!

How dare you objectify Ricky Martin like that...without also asking if there will be any bon-bon shaking? For shame...

Same. I really didn’t have any interest in the O.J. one, but this one I do want to see. It’s good to see that Darren Criss has grown as an actor from his Glee days, I thought he was rather dreadful when he wasn’t singing.

Whatever, Gramps. (Grams?)

I literally said none of the things you’re ranting about. Unfocused anger kills movements. You lose allies when you give my words the same type of reaction as idiots who still claim women invite harassment by the way they’re dressed. You want to use the dishonest tactic of putting words in my mouth to justify your

I’ve been liking the comments agreeing with not giving this loon more attention now that he’s been banished from Twitter. But I can’t help but remember that there was a time when people like Milo Y. and sites like Breitbart were only being highlighted by blogs like littlegreenfootballs who were warning about these

Same, I thought the whole thing was hilarious and particularly strong towards the end.Different strokes, etc.

I despise Mark Wahlberg because he doesn’t seem to have learned anything from his “youthful” mistakes and seems like a complete tool.

I agree he’ll never use that word out loud. Part of the problem is that too many white people seem to think that you’re only racist if you use that word. That’s part of the reason it got to the point that it was worse to call someone a racist (absent the use of that specific word) than to be an actual racist.

I don’t know about this particular example. Charlize is not someone who I’d expect to get a smaller paycheck than Mark Wahlberg at this stage. Then again, who knows.

I’m mildly surprised that he didn’t manage to work in a “Crooked Hillary” somewhere.

I’m not getting into the rest of your statement, but I was going to ask what state these girls were from and the age of consent. It’s still really gross and sounds like he abused his status as a celebrity, but that’s still a different kettle of fish than sexual assault.

I believe she did indeed dj while he made pancakes, and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

The dismissive tone about having a decent Dem rep in Ala-fucking-bama is really off-putting. Particularly that crack about Alabama progressives not caring about issues like healthcare, jobs, and education. Sorry basic human needs aren’t sexy enough to get this writer fired up.

From the vague recollection of stills I kind of remember seeing somewhere, it was kind of terrible. Basically Kevin Spacey in old man make-up. 

I would say more than “slightly”.

I feel the same way about American Gangster as you do about The Martian. Never saw it, but Denzel and Chiwetel Ejiofor are in it so...yeah, it seems like it might be all right.

Any congressional majority is going to include people like Doug Jones and Joe Manchin, people who are hated by a certain segment of the left and independents who only care about their specific causes. As long as that segment spends more time attacking Dems like them instead of Republicans (see those who thought a

If you’re someone who works a lot and hates clubs and online dating, work’s where you’re likely to meet someone. That type of categorical statement is why I’m already seeing signs that the #meetoo movement is in danger of ending up on the same heap of self-destructed movements like Occupy movements. Keeping money out