
C’mon, can’t we hear more about your friend who works in food service at Gillette?

Ah, the teen years!

“Yeah, it happens in every stadium.”

Actually, we do hear about the home teams losing communications. Sorry, there’s no conspiracy for you to clutch your pearls about. The NFL handles the wireless systems. Not the home teams. There ya go.

OK, explain SpyGate to me. The facts, not the fiction.

You realize the NFL handles all communications. Even they admitted it when the Steelers were whining.

Because, to my knowledge, the Cardinals do not have a recent history of cheating.

Hardy could get away with anything in Jerry Jones’ eyes. It’s almost as if he could beat up a woman nearly to the point of death, throw her on a pile of guns, strangle her, and threaten to kill her, and Jerry Jones still would defend the guy.

A lot of people are incorrectly commenting on the dog being responsible, this isn’t correct. Wolves have better smell, better hearing and are smarter than dogs.. By the time the dog had noticed the wolf, the wolf had already been aware of, and was most likely following the dog.

Jacksonville then trolled Ryan by stuffing a foot up Buffalo’s ass.

Don’t be so sure. Maybe Go Pro is the wolf’s and his wolf buddy in the video posted it on you Youtube.


Chris Christie?

‘cept Tom has won four champsionships. Troll harder.

Brady never “stumped” for trump, fool. He gave a joking answer about how it would be cool if Trump would be president because he would install a putting green at the White House. That’s it. In subsequent interviews he denies politically supporting Trump.

If only there were some “good guys with guns” around to shoot out the tires of that car!

It would be fab if gun owners and users would have to follow the same rules as car owners and drivers.

My wife was hit by the cops motorcycle once the car hit it. Sounded like a bomb going off. Somehow myself and my son were unscathed as the bike and car went on either side.

Doesn’t support Trump, actually. Fixed for ya.