Undocumented Shirker

I suggest you avoid that three letter word for a ci

Which is exactly why a complete change to single payer makes more economic sense than a public option.

Unions? Do we still have unions in America?

Sir...Arby’ know

All the angry folks calling him a fool, and I am still waiting for one of you to tell us what the correct answer is


Or consecutive sentences at Attica and federal prisons.

Nazorine is the baker who asks the favor. And while he does seem to care for his daughter, his larger reason to ask for Enzo to stay in America is so he can have a son to inherit his business. It is a subtle echo of the themes of gender roles and family cohesion throughout the wedding scene. “ May your first child be

Rosemary’s Baby. 

Number 3 can be a real lifesaver!

Enzo was the guy who married the daughter, not the older baker who asks for the favor. And Enzo gets rewarded greatly for ten minutes with his hand in his pocket.

He mainly did theater and a few minor TV appearances before The Godfather, which was his first real movie role, and he was 50 at the time. So for all practical purposes, no.

Nah, I’m gonna guess Pee Wee douses em in Texas Pete. Then he makes a “that’s so hot!” face and does a little dance before proclaiming how good they are.

So what are the signs? That you hear gunshots in the hallway? This is absolute bullshit. It inspires fear without adding anything to help the situation. I don’t see anybody in this video doing anything to prevent a school shooting, but I’m being promised that it will be easy to prevent them by learning some sort of

Lakeith Stanfield would be my choice.

Short tempered? Jesus got short tempered with people. No foul for Fred Rogers.

If an HBCU were playing for a national championship in football or basketball it would be a very big thing for that school, and for HBCU’s in general.

It’s not the Ivy League. Their teams don’t have athletic scholarships and don’t get the top football and basketball talent. It is mostly state schools that dominate big money sports.

Angel of the Morning? The Juice Newton version? That is just lazy filmmaking. Humorous use of that song belongs to Deadpool for at least a decade. The seventies and eighties were FULL of other cheesy songs they could have picked. 

I went through childhood as somebody who thought that he wouldn’t like anything “scary”, and so I never even tried to watch horror movies or read scary fiction. Several years ago I decided to check this assumption out by diving into horror to see if it was really frightening. I have gone through lists of “scariest