Undocumented Shirker

Also, she is more like flavor of the decade than of the week. 

These pictures all look like scenes from a sequel to MYST. (It was a video game in ancient times, kids)

No, they only wish they were.

Mostly for Americans. Other countries usually appoint skilled, professional diplomats as ambassadors. The U.S. does still treat some ambassadorships as “spoils” while leaving the professional state department staff to do the real work, though this was becoming less common before Trump. 

So the tradition is that whenever a family member gets married, you have to immediately murder the new spouse? I can see several problems with that arrangement.

The Tines, from Fire Upon the Deep, by Vernon Vinge. Also Rover, Tige and all the named dogs in City, by Clifford Simak.

In the flashback to Cliff and his wife on the boat (from which he presumably tossed her into the ocean ) she refers to herself as “Natalie”. A tasteless but funny reference to the death of Ms. Wood.

How about noting the book Sharon buys for Roman is “Tess of the d’Urbervilles”, the novel Polanski filmed ten years later .

Everyone knows cities are full of rootless cosmopolitans


Pulp Fiction is a classic and a genuine thrill ride and Jackie Brown is a very good crime caper/ action movie and my personal favorite. Kill Bill 1 and 2 are very exciting and fun if you can convince yourself that all the misogyny and weird Asian fetishism are just “parody” or something. They are also very violent.

Sorry. Never watched the show. Read the book a long time ago. 

mu-FAAN-we (with the last syllable pronounced more like “oui” than “wee”)

I can never keep the Eternals separate from the Inhumans. 

Blair Witch is terrifying to me because watching it at home gave me a nasty migraine, and I’m sure it would happen again if I gave it a chance.

James Joyce was also a big fan of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (the novel).

Upside: maybe a return to regular ScaryGoRound/Bobbins web updates?

The argument came from him talking about working with racist Democrats. Talmadge and Eastland were Democratic senators.

Ooh - I know. Have the villain be an alt-right racist but whose fetish is that he WANTS James Bond to cuck him. So then Bond has the dilemma of whether to have sex with the girl ( who up until now has been the villain’s partner but is developing sympathy/affection for Bond), knowing it will please the villain, or

We only doing TV? The Weeper, in Brief History of Seven Killings and The Tracker in Black Panther/Red Wolf. Both not only gay, but power bottoms.