Undocumented Shirker

Pete Davidson, human bagpipe drone

I feel like now I can just WANT to see this, rather than feel obligated to see it.

It’s a big thing. Particularly the meal after sunset, Iftar, which can lead to 28 days of dinner party feasts. The joke is that a lot of people GAIN weight during Ramadan because of Suhoor and Iftar.

I think anybody who skips Suhoor completely, especially in the summer, is low key cheating or must be taking hella Adderall to suppress their appetite.

Of all the places you could have posted this, you chose the comments on a squib about a silly home-made parody on YouTube?

I still may end up seeing it just because Ryan Reynolds voice coming out of Pikachu in a hat makes me feel giggly.

So somewhere between this and The Happytime Murders lies the still-unmade perfect combination of animation callback/nostalgia and all-ages entertainment. I’m holding out tepid hope for the new Space Jam based on the oddball director.

Ranking these feels like ranking best donuts I’ve ever eaten. I’ve never had a donut I hated, and I’ve never had one whose artistry changed my life. The range of feeling I have for donuts goes from “meh” to “pretty good”, which is about the range of my feelings for Marvel movies. 

Way to sneak in the Hobby Lobby burn! Those fuckers are even worse than the fil-A family.

I hate it with my life! It will not leave the lizard alone!

I love the scene from Ultron, where Thor challenges everyone to try to pick up his hammer. When Cap grabs it, Mjolnir wiggle, and I take it to mean Cap COULD pick it up, but he doesn’t. That’s Captain America. He could be a god, but he’d just as soon leave that to someone else.

I’m in the middle of reading it for the first time, and I agree that Louis is an asshole. Also, just about the worst possible doctor. But in his defense, the original decision to bury Church in the re-animating ground is Jud’s. Jud marches them out there without telling Louis what the deal is with the burial area,

“Mate”? Are you the Australian contingent having an opinion about New York City politics? Your homeboy got all the news by shooting up New Zealand so you are stuck with just trolling AOC? Really, step off.

Your enthusiasm is moving.

They should just think of it as “character from surreal novel “Kafka on The Shore” plays EMD set. That might take some of the sting out. Also reminding themselves that the large chunk of money KFC paid for this can help ensure they have more music festivals in the future.

They look like the hands of someone who used to be very thin and now has put on some flab. Those joints do look pretty big, though. I hope she just has big joints and not rheumatoid arthritis or something.

This movie is WAY, WAY,WAY better that Hereditary, or It Follows, or The Babadook. 

Yes, they do.

Almost everybody in “Milkman”, by Anna Burns. One ironic exception being the Milkman, which everyone assumes is a code name but then he turns out to be a guy whose real name is Milkman.

1) How do you make movies while being on house arrest? Seriously? Clearly, I do not understand what “house arrest” means. And how do you make movies, a pretty big undertaking, if you are specifically forbidden to do so?