Undocumented Shirker

You’ve seen “Paddington 2"? “Dungeon’s and Dragons”? This has been Hugh Grant’s career move for a while.

They do if theyare trying to play up their down-home cowboy bona fides to make their stupidity sound more wholesome or whatever.

And even subby bottoms? Can we see it too? Maybe later? From the back row?

I thought Phil, ruler of Heck, Prince of Insufficient Lighting was kind of funny. I read it for years because I used to compulsively read all the comics on the page and that is the only funny-ish part I remember.

You have to assume the S&P people are getting a huge kick out of finding stupid shit to complain about and then enjoying the rise they get out of the creatives. Artists aren’t the only people who like to have fun.

But you know who would have loved that accent?

Put a light on a cloud to put a lock on a clown. 

God damnit that is some good advice. I been fuckin with this things for years and never thought to heat the water first.

Not necessarily. Insulting a man’s wife is a level of provocation that can count as “fighting words”, and a slap would be proportionate response. 

Hot take and a half to put Goo above Daydream Nation. Nicely done. God it is incredible how much astonishing music these guys created.

Are we finally past either making fun of or objectifying Aubrey Plaza and just admitting she's a really good film artist? Yes? Excellent. Thanks.

Bring back the Batusi! And Gilbert and Sullivan! And a costume that doesn't look like thirty pounds of molded foam rubber!

You may recall this is America, where you can be fired for any reason or no reason at all.

Which comes from Eddie Murphy’s joke about the black man buying the Amityville horror house.

Gee, good point. Police always do the most proper and just thing at all times.

Yeah, she's pretty much just a sane, intelligent, responsible, person doing the job of being a congressperson. Any way you make fun of her, you just make yourself look bad.

Well lucky you, because Darjeeling Limited is his best movie. The best is yet to come 

For me, it’s Herbie Fully Loaded. Always ready for that movie. But yeah, Altman’s good, too.

It is worth doing, especially since it is a short read

Heart of Darkness and The Pearl are both very short and not at all boring. The Scarlett Letter isn’t long.