Undocumented Shirker

Connie Willis' time travel books, our at least the 2 I've read (To Say Nothing of the Dog and The Doomsday Book) do a pretty good job at keeping time-travel consistant. They do not, however, really explain why society in the late 21st century has totally forgotten the cell phone and generally reverted to 1960's

It has been in the widest possible release for a month, because it has been available for streaming on Amazon. Only now it's being released to American theatres.

1) At the risk of being contrary, I just do not get why this guy's random nonsense gets so much credit for being funny. Random nonsense is only funny in small, strategicly placed, doses. He can make me laugh for about 15 seconds on NPR before he wears out his welcome, but the idea of paying money for a whole book of

Obviously you are not yet over 40. Around that age, time speeds up so much that the whole span from Halloween to Christmas feels like about two weeks.Anymore, I start feeling ready for Christmas by late August.

Excuse me in advance for engaging with what may just be trolling, but that is obvious nonsense. Where to start? American Splendor is constantly grounded in Harvey Pekar's identity as a Jewish American. So is a lot of Will Eisner's non-Spirit work, especially "A Contract With God." "The Rabbi's Cat" by Johann Sfar

Absolulely. I'm only about a 1/4 through Habibi and it is blowing my mind with every page. I've read much praise for Green River Killer- looking forward to it a lot. Seth, I don't know. I liked George Sprott a lot more than I'd expected, but "It's A Good Life…" just depresses me. I'm crossing my fingers we get an Acme

Oh, FAVOURITE is a different thing entirely. If I had to choose one brother's work to keep and one to never look at again, I'd take Beto in a heartbeat. And part of why is that I'd agree that Xaime can leave me a little cold, or at least maybe a little bored if I try to drop in the middle of one of the long, romantic

Yeah, I feel like he's sort of lost the thread in following the story of Fritz, a character I never really understood anyway. And a lot of his recentsci-fi experimental stuff seems more like scetchbook than completed work. Back to Palomar, G!

You are correct about the level of what you are missing (I guess. You do mean not being familiar with something essential, right? Like having never seen any movie by Alfred Hitchcock?) I advise you to go out immediately and read "Locas", or whatever they are calling the first volume of Jaime's work. I think Gilbert is

Wow, I don't know whether to be relieved or disappointed. Disappointed, I guess. I never watched it but it was always on my mental "to do" list of stuff to watch, read, listen to, etc, when I got a chance. Man that sucks. I had always sort of imagined it was like Buffy, only with Superman.

1) Gotham isn't an East Coast city. It's wherever it needs to be. (kind of like Batman, come to think of it). Remember that whole 6 issue deal where Bruce Wayne travels forward through time to get back home? In different issues Gotham was on the ocean where the pirates were, in the old west where the cowboys were, in

I want you to know that, as gimmicks go, this is a good one. Feel free to keep it up indefinately.

Good stratagy.Which reminds me, didn't "Black Hole" originally appear in "Zero Zero"? Now that was a good anthology comic. "Mome" has always been too expensive for me to feel like buying it, knowing that only half would be great and half would be scribbles with scatology by angry autistics.

How do you tell a good Lil Wayne recording from a bad one? 
Seriously, how?

What a relief to know I'm not the only person who lost the thread with Superboy. That has always been the level of nonsense that held me up. Multiple Earths are fine, because how else can you have Jay Garrick and Barry Allen? Besides, every ten year old geek know there are multiple dimensions. But how can Superboy and

just say that allowing users to "vote out" comments made the Achewood comments board boring and self congradulating.(for instance, if you thought Chris O had crossed the line into racism, and you said so, you were guaranteed to have your comment voted off) Sometimes a troll is just a troll, but sometimes one

Since when do black people not like Elvis?

?"Arc" is awesome! Way more listenable than Metal Machine Music.

And, it's true!
Or at least fairly true by Hollywood standards. Supposedly, the two oldest household electrical appliances are the electric tea kettle, and the vibrator. The light bulb and electric fan came along sometime later.

If you want to try again, I'd suggest the Sunday color strips. Look at them as if they are paintings before even trying to follow the "sequential art" flow. And give up your expectation of them being "funny" or even making clear sense. Smoking some herb might also help. Seriously.