
Trump’s “tell” here is “friend”

after thinking about i agree with you, this should be discussed. I guess I am bitter about other writers putting their political spin into non-political blogs

They could learn how to fix the machine that took der juuuuubs

No you fucking dense moron. Read the post again. Production of a particular car model is leaving as was always planned and production of a different car model will take its place as was always the fucking plan.

He’s bringing jerbs back! He said it!

This is an incredibly large (perhaps even... huge) lie that deserves to be called out immediately. If we let this slide now imagine what he’ll be trying to get away with when he actually has power.

Anything that goes wrong from here on out will be Obama’s fault. It’s the few Democrats that are left that are standing in the way of Trump’s Making America Great Again (tm). They should be rounded up and jailed for standing in the way of this great prosperity. Those socialist/communist commies.

“It’s the Jews! It’s the Muslims! It’s the blacks! It’s China! It’s the immigrants! It’s the illegal immigrants! It’s the gays! It’s the educated! It’s the scientists! It’s the Easter Bunny...”

Well shucks, you’ve convinced me. I’m really glad he spent all this time talking to Ford instead of the Pentagon or State Department, then. Saving Lincoln MKC production is a way better use of his time that trying to plan out how he’s going to be Commander in Chief of the world’s largest military.

Amen. We all — and I do mean all — need the bright light of facts to check this horrible man’s BS.

How could it possibly be perceived as a win for him? He took literally no concrete action to do anything because he doesn’t actually wield any power until he’s sworn in.

And even so, UAW agreements have locked in these jobs anyway. If there’s anybody to credit for keeping production around it’s unions.

Well, he did end the war in Iraq and he never took credit for “ending” Afghanistan since it’s ongoing (at a far lower level).

You’re very stupid.

Heaven for-fucking-bid that an automotive blog get out in front of a political story that is directly at the heart of the American automotive industry and which they can talk about with knowledge, depth, and most importantly, specific knowledge of models, plants, and a history of tracking where vehicles are slated to

Can’t wait till Drump takes credit for the sun rising (he’s not sure if it is in the east or west) the tides going in and out and of course, for the solar eclipse not going on forever.

I think he already has it tattooed there, which is why he wears his hair that way.

Politics is intertwined with everything. The more you ignore it the more likely you are to be sold a lie and left behind while the folks at the top make away like bandits.

So, you are okay with being lied to by your President?

You’d prefer that elected officials just lie at will with no one pointing it out?

Can we just start scrawling the word “Liar” on his forehead for every photo from now on?