And the Pittsburgh Penguins. Yesterday.
And the Pittsburgh Penguins. Yesterday.
I’ll bite, since you aren’t familiar with Pop’s background:
Pop understands more about politics and culture than most elected political flaks.
Too bad this isn’t crossposted to Jalopnik, then I could tell the story of the yellow 1969 427 tri-power Corvette that I saw in the shop of the guy that restored my 1964 roadster. I asked Dan why he was working on a C3, as he specialized in C1s and C2s. He told me that Duncan, Ginobili, and Parker had gone in 1/3rds…
Pop’s got a military background (USAFA graduate, was groomed for a career in Soviet intelligence in the 70's before he took up coaching), so he’s pretty hard to pick apart compared to the usual ex-jock coaches.
“If somebody came and took a shit in my coffee pot I’d certainly be talking about it but it doesn’t mean it would have done anything to improve be welfare of black lives.”
He’s a smart guy that believes in their right to protest. And if a man who’s livelihood is based in part on understanding the interactions and motivations of African American athletes can’t speak about those things, who can?
Oh Pop knows he has the privilege of being a rich old white man to be able to say the things he wants to say without much criticism relatively. Both him and Steve Kerr (younger rich white man) has both acknowledged that fact. Partly, I think that is why they feel they should be voicing opinions that they will suffer…
I wish I was half as smart as this man. Players legit give up money just to be part of the Spurs’ culture. It’s not hard to see why.
Poppenham Popspurs.
at this rate, the only champion who is going to accept the White House invite is the Clash of Klans champion.
And yet here you are talking about it. So, safe to assume that something about the protest is working. Not that anyone (or myself) should waste their breath on someone so purposefully dense as yourself.
God damn, I love this crusty old curmudgeon.
You know, I usually get annoyed when I tell people I support Spurs and they think I’m talking about the NBA, but I suppose it may not be such a bad mix-up after all.
Former military officer here... I hate the stupid anthem/flag waiving/We support the troops idiocy. It’s the lowest, easiest, and most obnoxious form of “patriotism”. Standing for 2 minutes before a sporting event doesn’t make you a patriot or ‘Murican. Trying to get real justice and equality for all this country’s…
On another note, Seth happens to be married to a black woman, which means in addition to being a decent person, he’s got a real stake in the issues raised by his protest.
About that headline...
Extra extra, white Brown takes knee is solidarity with blackballed black!