
Yeah, Netflix has my tastes down pretty well in general, but for some reason its comedy suggestions are still really hit or miss. I even make a point to rate the ones I watch to help it out, and I guess it's improved, but still

I've been rewatching all my Seinfeld box sets recently with the Notes About Nothing turned on. They're basically just subtitles that run throughout the episode. So as opposed to commentaries, you can enjoy the show and learn about it at the same time. Technology!

Ouch. Prickly!

lol trust me, I don't! I grew up in the semi-rural South around a bunch of hardcore Baptists. My family was/is actually Southern Baptist, which believe it or not is downright moderate compared to the Independent and Missionary Baptists. Over the past few years since moving away (same state, bigger city, so no social

Every time somebody says [bleep] on TV it's the same as spitting in Jesus's face as he hangs on the cross.

You expect me to forge meaningful social bonds with those around me?

Comment-username synergy!

What's funny/sad is that I've actually googled Tennessee's question. And I'm from Tennessee.

Not really. Some beaches notwithstanding, Florida is objectively the fucking worst.

I think around here the answer to that question is more likely to be "black"

Not really related to this conversation, but people have tried to disparage Bernie Sanders for making essentially the bare minimum a US Senator can make, saying he's a hypocrite because it's well above the average American. Granted, it was places like Forbes and shit saying that. But yeah. I don't know why I'm

I consider myself a feminist (or is it "ally"? I'm male. Sorry, cis male. Yes, I'm heterosexual…and white… shut the fuck up guys I think women are people okay), but reading the words "Jezebel hole" gives me chills.

Same. I haven't even been on the A.V. Club in a couple of months (and he hasn't been in even longer, right?), yet that was still my first thought.

Breathe Hap-py, Febreeze

Third reich's a charm.

John Candy's dead, asshole.

"Say hello to my little friend," indeed.

Mortgages are so hot right now.

There should be some scare quotes around "damning".

Oh, definitely. That was just the first thing that came to mind. Nothing about the prosecution's case adds up if you ask me.