
Yeah, being on the receiving end of $75 million you never had to pay back must have been really crappy.

The “flexing your biceps to avoid an infectious disease” strategy was first used by Karl Malone in the 1992 All-Star Game.

To be fair, we do need to keep Brian McCann on the straight and narrow.

That use of the 2010 Word default font Calibri really gives some gravitas to this letter.

Still the healthiest guy in Alabama


“Come on, just look at the Chiefs coach!”

As the current feature story on ESPN.com is about how Rob Gronkowski’s brother is awesome at partying, I hate to admit it, but the first line of her diatribe is entirely correct.

He got some of Russell Wilson’s magic water after, so don’t worry he’s fine.

His son should kill someone, then the Red Sox will let him back.

Is a list forthcoming?

you guys didn’t get it.

So much for the First Amendment. Also, don’t tell me who I can have talk to me about other people’s kids.

Keith Law just got suspended for pointing out that Schilling used the passive voice.

“He came back drenched in sweat. Also, his hands were shaking a bit and he told us that he blacked out during the workout. He even mentioned being sick to his stomach, so much so that he vomited. I couldn’t really understand what he was saying because he was slurring and seemed generally disoriented. Wow, those ups


Finally, NBC leads the other networks in something.

Knowing Winona as I do, it’s gotta be shoplifting.


Don’t get defensive just because your company got obliterated in the national media, thereby prompting your CEO to issue a hasty statement functionally repudiating his entire management philosophy.