Right Wingnut

Threatening to kill a koala is a bootable offense!

And they say you don't learn anything new on the internet!

Bork bork bork!

I was more surprised they didn't alter the weird Genesis Device subplot. Man, whatever Dickens was smoking when he came up with that, I want in.

Yeah, and apparently they are going to make it canon that the old bearded guy on Endor was Rex.

I've started a new run of Fallout 4, this time instead of a long-range sniper, I'm playing as a melee assassin. Not completely different from my last play through- in games like this, I love sneaking my way through enemy locations- but this time, I'm getting as close as possible before one-shotting the enemy. It's

I've decided to pick up Fallout 4 again. This time I'm running a melee assassin class. The goal is to use melee weapons only, and use others only very very sparingly. It's been a blast, actually.


You say that, but their cold eyes tell me something different…

Our first cat somehow knew when it was time to go to the vet, and she hated the vet. My parents would go downstairs to get the carrier, and she'd run and hide. We once, out of curiosity, did the usual thing, me watching her while they went and got the carrier on a day when she didn't have to go to the vet. No fucks

Somehow, I don't think your happy faces are sincere!

Yeah, I have a feeling D-Day is about to happen in a very bad way.

You're right, it's not very subtle.

As long as it's fun and newby friendly, sure.

You may try finding people to play online with. If you have skype and such, you can even see whom you are campaigning with!

If you aren't a fan of the fantasy genre, there are other roleplaying games you might enjoy. I haven't played them, but I know of a Firefly game, as well as Star Wars: Age of Rebellion. The one thing about the later is, as far as I know, you only play on the Rebellion side of things.

I play in a verrrrrrrrry casual group, but I have a halfling Rouge. Manwich Larford does not care whether you live or die, only if he gets out alive and paid.

It is pretty interesting to learn about the evolution of words/languages!

I can do that all by myself. And I do! It… does not help things.

The only thing I think of anymore when I hear bassoon comes from a methods course I had to take as a music ed major: PANCAKE KEY