
This Article is not correct. The licensing was not stopped because mp3 is obsolete (although it might well be), but simply because all patents on the codec have expired. Since no one owns the rights to mp3 now no one can license it.

Pffftttt. I didn’t spend countless days pirating music on dial-up Internet only to have some fancy “Institute” tell me my favourite file extension is dead.

So, Matt Harvey got drunk playing golf and can’t work for three days because of it?

Wait, why is this something to hate on this guy about? I mean, I know hes the Nickleback of sports professionals, but honestly, this man worked his dick off to get a spot.

Yeah, JEEB!

This reminds of me of the time I was out of work for awhile after some minor surgery, except when I came back, most everybody wasn’t even aware I had been gone.

Would it kill you guys to find a photo of Vlade that makes him somewhat remotely halfway sober?

Your mom got things started with a monster three-run dong.

Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people. 


Replacing your top guy with a total amateur is now the thing that America does with its most important jobs.

Please stop posting old articles as new stories just for additional clicks.

“This game would be a lot more fun with teammates”

You realize you used the word “unmolested” about a story where the new stadium resembles a butthole?

If Mark Davis doesn’t want fans to be overwhelmed at the new stadium, he should insist on a simple bowl design.

He’s bacne!

Actually, he would have tried to buy a 6 and 9.

“You made the right call bro. I’d have totally done the same thing, even if I knew the correct title.”