
Being able to make that transition is how a guy like Jared Dudley just keeps getting jobs, and how a guy like Carmelo suddenly can’t. I can’t exactly remember the quote Dudley gave when someone compared the absurdity of Lakers signing him over Melo but it was something along the lines of the talent doesn’t matter when

kinda looks like he could switch hit if he tried honestly.

Counterpoint - we need to see how deep this rabbit hole goes. More scrubs please

Probably frequent travelers and hot spot users the only ones who approach 50gb of data in a month 

Too good to be a joke like the Browns, too ineptly run to actually get beyond average. Basically they fit right in with the Jets

Thats Hazelton

McDonalds ain’t that cheap anymore

Age old tradition of Americans = claiming noone eats at Mcdonalds. The best possible evidence to the shy-Trumper or shy-Republican voter is the shy-EatsAtMcdonalds consumer. You’d think they’d be out of business by now since noone eats there and everything is trash according to everyone.

I think Trump really did want to be President. But if there was an office in the US that was all figurehead and no substance, that is the job Trump would have REALLY wanted. He wants to be Head of State, not Prime Minister sorta speak. In the US the President is both and there is clearly only 1/2 of that job he likes

Pretty sure if you take that context, hes upset he injured himself doing it not the fact hes celebrating at all.

If the US is good at something and the teams are based on nationality, then Americans will watch it. I would probably just for fux of it. Will other nations care if we beat them? Thats key

Why should it be 0 exactly? Do you think he can build a wall or even a fence across all or even some of the border with that amount of money? Do you think 10s or thousands of people should go without pay for weeks or maybe months on end so you can move a border security fund from a pittance to 0 just so you can feel

They have to completely change their name before any of their branding issues get fixed imo

Knee injuries killed this guy.. he had just enough hop and explosiveness with that awesome shot. Just losing a step from knee surgery basically made him into a useless lump. Sucks

Likely means he plays NHL daily fantasy sports lol

That tweet implies they are frustrated that the offense they built around him doesn’t have him, but I didn’t read that necessarily as they are frustrated *at* him for not playing.. is that being reported?

And fantasy sports, but yes thats pretty much it.

Neighborhood play is dead

Except for like, the 35-12 game they just had on the Jets i guess 

I’m excited for the holdout in 2020