
I haven’t seen a team screw up a situation involving a player named Cousins since about 2 weeks ago.

Easy. Their franchise was built on an Ancient Native American stereotype and is thus cursed.

BREAKING: Democrats are more pessimistic about Republican led administration than Republicans.

Didn’t know Trump University offered courses in public relations.

If the only requirement is weighing over 300 pounds, almost every adult man and woman in the state of Wisconsin qualifies. How do you think the Badgers do it?

Can any of them play offensive line

“Hmm, yes, let’s ignore the president of the United States, that’ll stop him.”

“Can you get a pile of guns?”

- Marvin Harrison

In one version of the game, you even get a GUN

He’s the COO of a company that makes soft helmets for flag football players.

“I’d rather go 0 for 30 than 0 for 9 because you go 0 for 9 that means you stopped shooting. That means you lost confidence.”

“I swear I stopped shooting way before nine.”

No no no, this is when Barkley doubles down. He always doubles down. They don’t call him the Round Mound of Rebound for nothing. He’s gonna be right back up. If you’re going to get into a spat with a man who literally threw a guy through a window, prepare to feel the pane.

“Go watch the ‘93 Finals when John Paxson hit the shot,” James said. “Barkley and Jordan were laughing and joking with each other during one of the games while somebody’s shooting a free throw. In the Finals. But, oh, nobody were friends back then.”

This is no time to stick to sports. That’s why I’m boycotting the Pro Bowl.

“This is just like in home country. In Slovenia, Waiters give YOU poor tips.” - Goran Dragic