
That’s the only check from a Schilling’s bank account that is being sent to the state of Rhode Island.

I knew that even while loading up a four minute old article I was going to be too late to make this joke

Paul, pierced.

Having Timmy on the ticket could shore up Popovich’s campaign with the big fundamentalist voting bloc.

Shouldn’t Curt be repaying that money to Rhode Island instead of donating it to a bumbling idiot?

This is really just evidence how far Las Vegas has advanced in the past few decades. Back in the day, he would have just killed the reporters.

Jeff Sullivan at Fangraphs convincingly argued last fall that in context, the Royals are the best contact-hitting team of all time.

He knew he wasn’t Crosby

I don’t see what the big deal is. Did you guys know KOBE BRYANT is an All-Star this year?

Equipment Manager: “I have nothing to say, officer. I ain’t gonna dime anyone out.”

I actually find professional athletes fucking up basic skills of the game to be hilarious and thus entertaining

I wonder if that comment would survive if his name was “Ablack.”

Toronto police don’t have any complaints filed related to the incident, but the NBA and Clippers plan to investigate what happened, according to Amick.

Mind you, here’s the promo image the Clippers tweeted out yesterday morning...

That was the story of Sunday - Patriot goes for a 2, disaster ensues.

Can’t say I blame ESPN for this—what Mark Jackson has sex with is nobody’s concern.

Calling him a jabroni all you want—at least he’s a professional! He’d never split tens when the dealer is showing a bust card.

Maybe if they were playing in a city that was located near active government agencies. But they’re playing in DC.

So the Broncos are trying to sway the officials by complaining that Brady tries to sway the officials.