
Donation target 1-877 KARS 4 KIDS has already rejected Incognito's gift, explaining that if they wanted to be associated with something horribly offensive to the human condition, they'd play one of their ads.

Three years ago, I was the only scout saying Rondo is overrated, and I was crucified for it.

If you straighten out the paperclip, and stick it in the tiny hole on the West side of FirstEnergy Stadium, it will reset the Browns and they can start from scratch.

Just imagine the distraction reaction if it was a wall of penises.

*fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap*

Actually the exact rule (published on other sites) states that it outlaw all sorts of slurs against any race/sexual orientation/gender/etc but this headline gets your attention. This is right out of the gawker/jezebel school of "make a headline thats only 19% true to get clicks"

Have a nice day.

This feels more like a gold medal game than the actual gold medal game! LET'S GO CANADA!!!

As a Canadian the only part of that even offensive in theory is the "fuck you". Mass produced beer now owned by a multinational, principally American, corporation. Meh. And Tim Horton's... how they managed to wrap themselves in the Canadian national identity has to be the greatest marketing coup of all time. All


Appel is forgetting one important thing, Ravens fans have more integrity than most other fan bases. They would NEVER forgive such an act from one of their players.

Subtract 65.21 from her score, and you are left with the chances of any Deadspin reader sleeping with her.

I didn't think this was possible, what with Putin discouraging men from playing the upright organ.

But she really did meet Greg Oden

Sam Sr, pictured here, unable to finish his Birthday Slam.

"I don't want my grandkids raised in that kind of environment."

To make matters even worse for Sam Sr., a Denny's waiter then showed up at his table with a plate of food.

In lieu of severance, Lombardi has been offered "salary rebates."

'Pipe Drag's Too Slow; 'Boarders Not Getting High.

Hmm, maybe they could make it out of wood or concrete next time and put some wheels on the bottoms of their snowboards or something.