
It's like the beefified version of Willy Wonka! Delicious!

@Puns-n-Roses: Just to add further nerd clarity to your clarification, a"long time ago in a galaxy far far away" is the Lucas version of "once upon a time." It has no true temporal relavence. *runs*

NASA finds life on earth. Film at 11!

ah yes— some day I shall tell my great-grandchildren about this blessed moment in history when a media corp, a computer company, and a rock band finally agreed to charge us to download song files we already lift from the internet for free. I think we should call it "revisionist ass-hattery" day and wear butt-bonnets

Reason #2

Don't give in to the hype—hold out for 4D!

So every few days it sends money to Algore in exchange for carbon credit vouchers? Innovative!

All that money spent just to make searching for free pr0n easier.

Wait a minute. Red sun. Higher mass index. I see where this is going. Sure it's all happy fun time now...but then that sun goes supernova, and we end up with an indestructable crybaby who flies around in blue pajamas and has daddy issues.

Help us JJ Abrams—you are our only hope.

And three days later, an 8.1 scale earthquake hits Mexico City, killing 10,000, injuring 30,000, and leaving 95,000 homeless. Coincidence? I think not!

I'm very disappointed. The post title clearly implies that this kid stalked Steve Jobs for blackmail money. Damn you, Jesus! Oh, and you too Diaz.

Sure, your logic may appear sound, Bryan—but if Jobs rode the train to work instead, and it was traveling at 53 mph, how many ferrets would Santa Claus have to drown to bake me a bluberry pie?

The choice of tank top and tight shorts don't exactly scream "I wish I had been taken seriously". Unless this is a stunt for a modeling gig, I give it a zero on the credibility scale.

Why is Sony Corp in all caps? Do they deserve special recognition?

His time has come.

There just isn't a market—even the super mega death ray had no takers.