
They made her like Smaug ( you know, that wyrm from Tolkien's story) which I thought it was great.

I am beating myself real hard to try and watch the eight episode ( the last one disappointed me, by doing what I think everyone knew's gonna happen since the pilot, and I just don't have the conviction in watching it, now that I know that my favourite person is…)

Oh, I know about that, but it's called an entirely different name in my language, so maybe that's why I was confused. Still, thanks for the trivia!

Yeah, I know it was a running gag, but it still didn't change the fact that you, and not them made me chuckle.

I always hear a voice in my head saying that I won't be surprised by the horrors of the world, even if it was the most graphic live thing I'd see, and trust me, I've seen a lot of bad things in my life without flinching. But I still think I'd say something after seeing an unusually amount of blood flowing from

Thanks for the info. Never knew that's what the abbreviation stands for, even though I always do that.

Can someone kind enough explain to a non-english person what does BCC stand for?

Where they amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood? or where they not amazed by the unusually amounts of blood?

She wasn't gay then. Actually I think that she's bi. Not that I care, mind you, that's how I always imagined her the first time I watched Adventureland.

Ragnar's sons will be the last chapter of this show, so my guess is that the show will end with their assimilation.

You don't know how much time passed, especially on this show. It could've been days, weeks, or maybe even months until she recovered, so I wouldn't call that quickly. I have to agree with anyone else though, I don't remember seeing her, but I'll trust your word

Hirst said that the first half of the fifth season is already filmed, though of course, they still need to edit, so, yes, season five will probably come in fall, or maybe even summer

Let's just hope that Hollywood doesn't screw her like it did with almost all the other famous kids.

Wait, I remember him saying this since season 9 ended. He said it loud and clear that season ten finale will be his last episode to play as the Doctor, so maybe this is news for non-whovians fans, but I don't there's a whovian who didn't already knew this.

Well, to be fair I haven't read your whole post, but you also only said men, which is not true, there are women as well as men doing crappy things. Anyway, I do apologize if I offended you somehow, that was not my intention.

There's already one of the nicest guys running for it, ain't it?

He's not the first, nor will be the last to get away with things they did in their past. I can name a dozen, if not more of famous men and women who did things that a normal folk would be trialed for, but I won't though, that's what the internet is for.

Yep, it's worth it to see it from a different point of view now that you know that Michael's the bad guy.

No, she didn't got any flashback. Also, you can see in the 12th episode that she wasn't there to try and save Eleanor before her death like she said.

Imi pare rau, dar nu am inteles nimic din ce ai zis. ( daca nu te-ai prins, asta e sarcasm, si acum iti vorbesc intr-una din limbile pe care le-am invatat la scoala si care le pot vorbi la perfectie gramatical. Hmmm… poti incerca sa traduci ce am scris aici cu un google translate, sau alt translator daca chiar vrei.