
Because she wants to do everything by herself. There are a lot of people like that in real life as well, people who would rather lose everything than get help from someone.

To be fair, that's not on her, because she was great in The 100, but the writers of this show do not know what to do with her.
I remember that she started the first season ( I think it was the pilot, but I don't care that much to see if I'm right or not) in the same way this season, so I hope that they kill her. At

*sigh* Lexa died to be in this show.

This is how I see the future in this industry, shows that have entire seasons with episodes like this one, but then I remember about shows like The Walking Dead..
This episode made me feel sad for everyone.
- for Kim, because she found out that she's not immortal, so she can't do everything she wants.
- for Jimmy,

Wait, we're jumping to other territories right now. I never said what you just said, and I don't want anyone to be friend with a person like that, I was only talking about their views.
I mean, I have friends from all the circles, with different views, different religions, different orientations and different

Wait, are people ( or should I say, famous people) really this petty?
They judge their friends based on their views? Does that mean that he doesn't have any atheist friend, or any gay friend? Seriously? What the hell, old folks, leave the past behind, live in the present, and look further to the future!
I have a

You're right, but that's because those were the persons she saw. Sure, it may not be as I picture it, it may be a different view entirely, but since she said that her family was happy, that's how I like to picture the rest of 2% as well.

I'm also happy that we got another season, a great one to boot, and knowing how the wedding scene made me shed one or more tears, this ending, as well as the show, will stay for a long time with me.

I know that, but that's how I see it. That world is a place where everyone's happy, without looking back at the 98%, hence the heaven thing.

They probably would've done it, if the show wasn't cancelled, but since it was, and they already had eight episodes in mind, yeah…we won't witness that world.

There were three alternate realities: the real world, (hell) the world with the departed (heaven) and the world of the death. (purgatory, maybe?)

because of the kill,suicide and so on and so forth words he used. Disqus is known to censor those kind of words from time to time.

Jill's call is what made her change her mind.

I would love if you could name those shows for me. I want to see more of these great but grim as frak shows.

I always saw Quentin as an anti-hero, so you may be on to something.

Never even heard about them until now, so thanks (/S) A.V. Club, for bringing them to my attention.
Watched that video, and I must say, they should thank that lady for saving their god awful performance.

24…another show that's going to be cancelled.
Anyway, I think that they are going back to season 1 ( if Homeland's coming back)

Both shows are great, but if you don't have enough time, then I'd recommend Legion, since it's a eight hour show. ( The Expanse goes over a full day)

She can still do random acts of kindness, it's that she's not feeling it, like a normal person would.

I'd recommend The Expanse as well. It's another Syfy show.