
I never expected to see Janet be the wild card. This was a really great show, from its inception to its finale, and I must say, I knew that something was off with the place, but never crossed my mind that it was made only for four people. NBC, please don't cancel another great show, like you always do.

She wasn't the real Eleanor, she was Vicky, so she's another one of those bad places HQ employees, or were you talking about the fake/real eleanor? kristen bell?

Yeah, english's not my second, nor my third, and like I said, I only learned the basic ( like really basic, only the rudimentary, so no, my grammar sucks and I know it, and to be fair I don't care about it) just for my business. I don't need that anymore, because I don't have the time, and I already have an assistant

Last night I was in hurry, so could be…besides, I learned english by myself a few years ago, when I found out that if I need to start my own business, and deal with different people from different countries, then I would need to know at least a little bit of english. I have my own assistant now, so there's no need (

What do you mean?

Whenever someone mentions that name I feel sad, because I know how famous and loved he was on camera, and yet, how different he acted behind cameras.

What do you mean ok? Sure, if you're talking about her success, then yes, she did good, but no, she did not well on the romantic scene, she was betrayed by Kalf, no less, and he was the only one she was after Ragnar. I actually like that view, because just like in real life, some people just can't move on when the one

Does it matter? Seriously, the nords were well known to be free men/women, so they did whatever pleased them and with whomever they wanted to. Lagertha didn't cared that much with whom Astrid slept, it's a good example on that. Remember that in the first season Ragnar tried to lure Athelstan to share Lagertha with.

Well, he didn't actually said that, he said that she won't have any kids, no matter how hard she tried. So, I'm guessing that if she knows that and can't love anyone as much as she loved Ragnar ( you can see that even Astrid's a play toy for her) she can play both camps. Not that vikings were straight, mind you, they

I don't consider him as cheating, well, not how it would be viewed now, anyway. I mean the nords always were free men/women, so they'd could pick whoever they wanted ( depending on rank of course) and do whatever they wanted with them. That's why I liked how in the first season Ragnar and Lagertha lured Athelstan in

I never watch pre-views for shows, because, well, they spoil the fun out of it for me, but yeah, in these two last episodes I'm expecting to see Ecbert's death, although I will be sad to see him gone. When you care about someone other than the show main casts ( vikings, in this case) then you know that that person

They choose to focus on the revenge rather than focus on the battle as well. Two brutal things would've been too much for some to see.

You will hear them in the future, when they find Aelle's body.

Yes, she truly loved Ragnar, so that's why she choose a woman instead of a man, because she couldn't love anyone more than him. Not to mention that the seer also told her that she will never be pregnant anymore, and to the vikings newborns mattered a lot.

I think it was actually done right, and instead of focusing on the battle they focused on the revenge. I mean, think about it this way, would you still have the same feeling you had seeing the blood eagle if you've also seen the battle? A battle that probably ended in less than 5 minutes, so it would've been an

The writer already mentioned about Lief ( that was the name of the viking who was sacrificed, instead of Athelstan) and that was in the first season.

The show's called Vikings for a reason, instead of Wessex/Northumbria or so on. I don't care about any other character than the vikings, well, that's not quite right, I care about King Ecbert ( though he's going to die soon as well) but other than that? Not so much, so they can pillage, murder and do whatever they

Lagertha only loved Ragnar ( that's why she got Aslaug in the end, because she thought that Aslaug bewitched Ragnar) She couldn't love anyone more than him, and hearing from the seer that she will never be pregnant, she decided to share her bed with a woman that she knows she will never betray her or have bigger

Same goes for me. Some days I want to buy that console, but then I remind myself that I don't need another product to collect dust. Lucky for me that I have a few friends who are offered new and free products for the work they do, so I know that one of them will borrow me Nintendo switch if I ask, but I'll wait to see

Yeah, saw @squamateprimate comment too late, so I humbly apologize if I somehow offended you.