
I guess that could also be the case, but I don't see an actor like him being given an secondary role, though who knows, maybe you and the others are on the something.

That's why Hirst wrote about him, precisely because that there wasn't a lot of things known about him, so the writers could take more liberties, but like I said, Hirst didn't want to write about Ragnar. He only wanted to write about the great heathen army ( army that was in real life) just like David Benioff & D.B.

Actually that's exactly what it is. An history show. ( not to mention that it runs on history nonetheless) Hirst wanted to do this show only for the great heathen army led by Ragnar's sons, but to reach to that he had to go back in the past. Yes, he took some liberties, like adding Rollo in that time, but he always

Yes, that's also true, but only when the show is about that character. Just look at how many main characters died in different shows and people still staid with it: I'll only give one example, though there are a dozen more, about a show that wasn't only about one character, and that show was Lost. That show was the

I think they are going to jump in time again, probably years, and that's why I said that I could see Jonathan Rhys-Meyers being cast as Ivar. Of course, he could play a different role entirely, like Alfred, so who knows.

I don't think that they will get rid of the supernatural things. I mean that last shot with the one-eyed man was Odin, right? The show always had a bit of supernatural things spiced on it and I don't see that it will change.
That's exactly what I hope they do for casting, cast different actors for Ragnar's sons next

It will be pretty weird if he portrays Alfred… I mean his eyes are blue like the ocean and Alfred's are brown. Sure, they could make him wear lenses and that could happen, but I think that's what Vikings need right now. Besides, an actor like that would probably get the main role, (sure he could do Alfred, but I hope

Jonathan Rhys-Meyers is most likely the one who will portray Ivar in seaso 5, and if you know or watched The Tudors then you know he's a great cast.

I don't think Høgh will stay for season 5, so enjoy it while it last. They will cast an older Ivar ( my bet is they already did and it's Jonathan Rhys-Meyers)

The show is called Vikings for a reason. Sure, Ragnar was portrayed through all these four seasons, but a great show/book will never ret-con or recycle things just so their characters live. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers will portray Ivar ( or at least that's what I hope) in season 5. Besides, I don't think that the ones who

They didn't had sex, so since there was no point in keeping him they banished him.

Jonathan Rhys - Meyers will probably portray Ivar in season 5. ( he was King Henry in The Tudors if you didn't know)

Actually you can see from the moment he's introduced in the books/show that he will play an important role. Don't know if he'll last until the end to sit on the throne or give it to Dany…actually, he probably will. Kinda disappointed though that I will find how the Game of Thrones ends from the show and not from the

Yes, Travis Fimmel portrayed Ragnar Lothbrok really great, but the show wasn't only about him, it's about him and his legacy. (sons)
I was sad to see him gone, even though I knew how his story will end, but I'm also looking forward to see who will take the main lead. Will it be Bjorn? Ivar? ( I think Jonathan Rhys -

2016 sucks because of all of those things you mentioned and more, but I don't say it, because, well, what's the point? I don't need to be remembered again of all the things that happened. By the way, while 2016 sucked, this year had nothing on 1939-1945. Now those years truly sucked.

and here I thought 2016 couldn't suck more than it did… a week ago the Berlin atack, two days ago George Michael, now Carrie Fisher…good job proving how wrong I was, 2016. Now onto 2017, and more tears to drop and sadness for the world.

2016 was a shitty year, no doubt about that, but I have a felling 2017 will be even worse with everything that's happening around the world, so staying true to the meme, I will say this:
Fuck you, 2017!

Yes, the writers did make him be less Daryl than he used to, right?
Then again, they did the same with almost every darn character, Carol, Gleen, Maggie, Abraham… I could go on, but I won't.

I didn't start reading the books until season three was done, but I never thought him as a main character, but that could be because I've read and watched other things that did the same. Put someone as a main character/hero just to die at the end of the movie/book/season. I did liked that the show made me root for bad

Well, main characters are harder to kill, since the show is based on them. I'm not saying that it's impossible to do, some shows already did it, but it's a lot harder to get it right. However, everyone else should get the ax, no matter how great they are in their role.