
Which is such a damn shame. Look, I know that fans love Daryl, hell, I like him myself, but that's the point. A good, no, scratch that, a great show, can and will kill characters you love. Even if they went and killed Glenn as well and not only Abraham, to me his death didn't count as much after that death fake-out he

*sigh* I'm so glad that I decided to stop watching this show after that mess of season six finale and choose to read reviews from time to time, because now I know that the writers have no clue on what's happening with this show.
I bet that they didn't even knew that Glenn's going to die until after that fake-out

I do like from time to time seeing an accident being resolved on a movie/show, but I love when everyone is trying to figure out how someone died hoping that it's a part of the plot, just to find out that it was just an unfortunate event without belonging to plot. Just look at how the young actor that played in Star

I agree with you. She didn't lied. I mean, she would've said something to Darlene if she knew that he was killed by the dark army, so Darlene can be more susceptible to Dom. I also liked how they killed Romero and nothing came of it, because these things will happen in life.

Nah, he would've sent his assassin crew to kill them if it was Whiterose. I mean, I just can't see what Whiterose would benefit from them, since you know, he's smarter, or thinks that he's smarter than everyone. I can see how Mr. Robot would benefit from having them working with him even if they don't know about it.

That's because he's Batman. The laws of physic doesn't work on him.

…disqus being silly.

Guys, who's the blonde girl that holds the sign at 0:33?
I remember seeing her somewhere, but I just can't remember her name.

Who's taking bets that at least half of these youtubers won't vote?

I have a lot of actors and actress I'll watch no matter what, like: James Spader, Jessica Chastain, Tom Hardy, Tilda Swilton, Sam Elliot, Cate Blanchett, Timothy Olyphant, Anna Kendrick, Peter Capaldi, ( go right now and watch The Thick of It if you didn't) Oscar Isaac, Paul Giamatti, Woody Harrelson, Gary Oldman and

Remember kids, don't try to stop a bullet with a silver tray, this doesn't work in real life.

Mr. Robot has plans for them, so no, they won't die.

Leon is there because Mr. Robot ( Elliot) sent him to help him again by being his pawns once more, since he can't go and ask help from new people. He's smarter than that. Besides, he also doesn't know that Trenton knows how to fix all these things, so I don't see the point of killing them, and before saying that the

I don't think they are going to kill Trenton and Mobley. Mr. Robot ( Elliot) sent Leon to help him once more.

Seriously, some people don't know how blessed they are until they get to screw everything up and take others with them.
I really wonder what he thought he'd gain from all of that…

Didn't she quit?

Magnets, Bitch!

*sigh* I knew that, but still, I always apologize even for things I haven't done. Don't know why, since I'm the only one from my family in a long line who does it.

I wasn't talking about this movie, since I haven't seen it yet so I can't give an opinion on it, I was talking about in general. I mean she won't be the last lady who will show her assets on camera, and maybe there is a small amount of folks who complain about it, but you see, you just made my point. You will

You know, I didn't even tried to defend him, I only stated what is going right now in the world, so that's why I said what I said, and again I'l ask you, if you do know a movie that shown an elegant way of portraying racism then by all means share it with me, because I really want to see something like that, and to