
What bothers me, is that the writer of this article didn't said that the same can happen to men, not only women, so when a man is shirtless half the movie no one complains, but when the other gender is everyone is on fire.
I mean where's the equality in that?

Heh. Sadly I can't, since I don't believe in that kind of thing.

Maybe I lost some words in translations since english is not my first, nor second language, and if so I apologize, but you said, and I quote: "Gran Torino was even more hamfisted in "confronting racism" This reads to me like he portrayed the racism in a clumsy way, and then I said why it didn't look like that. I mean

I never compared her with Streep, that would be a stupid thing for me to do, I only said that not even she could escape the sexism. Also, I didn't said her first roles, I only said that she shown her assets in some movies, like Silkwood, Sophie's Choice, She-Devil and maybe The Bridge to Madison County ( but I think

I do.

Well, everyone went to the same ordeal in their youth, even Meryl Streep, and it's not like she would be the last to show her assets on camera. Besides, I don't think that she can afford to pick movies like other actress do. I mean she can, but when you find out that your check will be huge, well, that's kinda hard to

The same also can be said about all the men, especially those who don't have even a bit of acting chop in them.

Do you realize that what you described is exactly what's happening now? And no, I'm not only talking about America, I'm talking about the world. There will always be racist folks out there who are very eager to see how much they can do until they face punishment.

If you think that someone's sacred ( actually there's one I can think of: Keanu Reeves) from that industry then you are really naive. Sure, maybe they tried to fix their mistakes and start doing some good, but almost everyone did bad things in the past.

Aren't you too young for dating her?

Heh. That reference!

From time to time if that person knows her stuff it can be great if you ask her that.

I never, well actually I did, but anyway, I was saying that since he did a great job the writers could keep him alive, but you, and all the other folks who replied me may be right, he's gone, just like everyone else from Annville.

I suppose that's true, and to be fair it was more a request for me, since Haley did a great job on the show, so I was looking forward to see him next season. The same can be said about Emily, since from time to time I enjoy seeing those good characters descend in darkness, but yeah, we will see next year.

That isn't true. Quincannon plays an important role in comic, so he's not dead. I'm betting there are others who are still alive, like sergeant Root and maybe a few more.

Someone needs to shoot your dick off!

I really want to say ''that's it?" but since this season made me care for one or two people I won't. I do hope that Emily survived, ( though I don't know what can she do since Jesse got back with Tulip, hook up with Cass?) because I was really looking forward to see how low can she fall, in fact I think that she has

Wow, that was so cheesy, though thanks for the link. It made me chuckle a bit.

I'm in the same boat, but I know that there are people who did liked him. I even remember ( I can't remember the name though) that there was someone who defended his actions.

I think it was stated a few episodes back by him or someone else in a quick flashback, but I may be wrong, and to be fair I don't want to go and look back to see if I was right.