
It happens, especially if it was something you/others liked. You will remember a lot more things easier than something you/others didn't liked.

but, but, that show ended in 2015, so I don't see why it should be here.

Don't you mean your son?

Dammit Spidey, go and bug the Marvel's big shots and ask, no, demand to get an show.

They went with Miles because some people ( I wonder who are those) started to like, or at least hope for his change, while Tulip's uncle did what exactly so people can remember and feel a bit of remorse or joy that he got his comeuppance?

Those that we've seen, but he murdered a lot more people before off-screen. I mean, who in their right mind would do what he did with his family and still be sane?

I know that feeling. Almost all my friends I recommended said that it was boring, with no action in sight and just talk, so no matter how hard I tried to convince them I couldn't change their mind, but the ones that stayed can't thank me enough.

Is it sad that I'm happy he isn't alive to witness this clusterfuck?

Omar is still my favourite character in a show.

I'd like to think that Poussey was experiencing her afterlife.
This is show is just like a good wine, keeps getting better with age.

I really hope that The Americans gets an award. I don't care for what category, anything at all, maybe this way people will get to watch and see what's about it. That show is really under-rated.

WOW. So for this she got her fame, not to mention her own toy figurine… I'm speechless.
By the way, your name matched like a glove here.

I'm sorry, until today I've never heard of that name and I don't want to google someone I've never heard of, so can someone explain to me what she did to get her 15 minutes of fame? Just wear that mask?
If so, then America is hungrier for fame more than I thought.

"Pray you never hear it during a conference meeting at work"
This actually happened to me a few years ago in a conference when some co-worker's phone started to ring with that tone, and by mistake one of those air punches I threw hit my boss. Good thing he was a funny man, so he came to me and said: " Listen kid, I

You just hit the nail in the head.

WTF was the point of that? To show off, what? I've just skipped to then end and I still don't see the point in this, other than look like a …
Do people really watch this kind of thing? C'mon people, at least watch some cat, dog, tiny hamster or any other thing than this.. then again, it's your job to watch whatever you

Because for some reason ( maybe because the movie will not be good and they don't want to have anything with it) the big-shots decided they want to make this only one movie, and not parts like everything else. I think it's stupid, a rogue movie could be very fun and cool if they do it justice, but I'm not one of those

Yes, but her own moral code is one many would follow if they were in her shoes: don't kill innocent people( until now she didn't, nor do I think she will) The training for her was only so the faceless god can get more faceless people, knowing that she will kill a few more people on the way. I hope that a faceless

I was talking about stars who are still known in the industry and not known for whatever they did outside of it, though I will agree with you about plastic surgery for some.

I don't think Melisandre will follow Cersei's orders now that she knows that Jon Snow is the man from her visions, nor Cersei keep her for that matter. Melisandre will probably join with the brotherhood now that she has doubts about her powers so she can chat with Thoros of Myr about his powers and how he moved past