
Well, she doesn't have anyone old around her, so isn't everyone new to her anyway? I will agree though that she isn't one to use a servant, especially now.

Well, it's true, isn't it?
And like I said to someone else, things will be complicated in the years to come, with things getting expensive and some things getting much cheaper, plenty of stuff left to say but I'll leave it at that.

I think that even she knows that she isn't the smartest one, I mean she acknowledged that Tyrion is smarter than her, and she will see the consequences of what she did in the next season.

While it wasn't it was supported by. Where do you think they got all the money from?
Good luck getting the same amount after two years when Britain will leave EU.

That's true, but for some reason I can only see Jamie sacrificing his live for her in the end.

I still think it was more complicated than that because she did actually let Loras get his mark, even if after she scolded High Sparrow for breaking his promise, but I guess that it doesn't matter now anyway.

Oh, trust me, I would've thought the same if it wasn't for the second act end, but now they needed to get rid of loose ends and go in the last act, besides Margaery was always a threat to Cersei, she could've dethroned her if she lived longer in one way or the other, but then who would've been the last boss?
So while

Well, she's only 35 after all, besides the starlets from Hollywood use tons of money for them to look young. See all the stars from there, young and old.

Lady Olenna joined alliances with the Sands and Varys for Dany.

Margaery had a plan in her mind, though she didn't lived to see it.

I think that Tyrion fits better, though it would be pretty great for Jamie doing the deed.

She actually doesn't, if say, Cersei wants a servant, though I find it highly unlikely that someone like her would do that.

She doesn't need to, or at least that's not how I see it. I remember when she last seen Jaq'en before changing his face and yet showing back with his old face in Bravvos, so I think that when someone shed his/her face it goes back to that trophy room so people can use it as they like.

No, it's not a guess, I mean maybe? I don't know, but that's how it looked to me, or how I want to, because I don't see a reason for Arya killing someone, especially someone innocent without reasons, while I can see her using her training to use all the faces the faceless god has in the chamber. Even Walder Frey said

Yes, I suppose that could be a reason, but she still can become her servant or something and when she trusts her, though I don't think Cersei learned that, just in the last moment kill her.

So if Arya can use the faceless training to look like whomever she wants, what can stop her to go after Cersei and succeed?
Also, thanks writers and producers for making us think Margaery had a plan and not showing what that was.
PS: I'm really going to miss her, she fit like a glove for this role.
I think that Gendry

It was his Achilles tendon, not his side.

I don't think that's right. She doesn't kill people without a reason, if she did she would've killed that theater lady( forgot her name) that face was just a face, nothing more, nothing less, so that innocent servant was her from the start.

No, Arya just used a face from the thousands the faceless god had.
She was Arya from the start even when she filtred with Jamie, or tried anyway.

He's still alive, and he will probably meet with Dany for one last time to save her by sacrificing himself.