
Well, that ain’t creepy, not one bit.

Just to add an addendum: Utterly evil people can have morals, or soft spots. Hitler loved his dog, and there were plenty of things that disgusted him. But the presence of a good side DOES NOT justify the evil that someone does. Explanations are not excuses. Humanization is not approval. Good sides do not eliminate

(edit) whoops, replied to wrong comment. lol. Reposting properly.

I’m more inclined to think that Cosby, in much the same way as most people (only in his case, to a despicably huge extent), simple has massive moral dissonance. He “believes” in family values and women... except when he really wants to have se with someone. Then it’s okay, it’s “somewhere between consent and saying

Why is that strange? Han Solo has always been a little round metal thing.

All I want to know is if Flintheart Glomgold will be South African again.

Mary Poppins 2: Electric Boogaloo

I’m just looking forward to Mary Poppins Forever.

Bill Maher exists so conservatives can point and say, “Look! That’s what ALL liberals are like!”

He’s a lot like alex Jones, except alex Jones is what all conservatives are like.

Based on my experience, it’s totally realistic for a bride to go on a massive murder rampage.

And then you go to jail for assault, and they get the “I told you so!” last say.

If it’s family, they usually just take it. Yes, even if you’re a grownup. Family will still treat you like you’re six, no matter what you’re doing in life or how many kids you have.

People do what they want. I can’t trust anyone to not swipe through and make coments on everything they see, because it’s “funny.” They also just grab my phone while saying “gimme that,” so I have limited time to zoom in on that photo.

Transformers: Some Like It Hot Rod

If the government had any knowledge about aliens, Trump would have angrily/drunkenly tweeted about it by now.

It was to hide her knowledge of the Decepticon influence in the Space program (Transformers are naturally attracted to hot blondes. Haven’t the Michael Bay movies taught us anything?)

Well, which is worse? This, or “Women are evil” by making a typical sultry female villain?

Man, I should have sued half of the theater when I saw the movie. There was a dad in my row who kept showing his kids what was on his phone, meaning that he was waving the screen around in multiple directions. One kid punctuated every spoken line on-screen with pig noises. Two other kids behind me got into a fist

Rey is Jar-Jar’s love child with Padme. Rey is so young because male Gungans carry babies in an inordinantly long gestation period.