Everyone knows that the only way to play Smash Brothers is Fox only, no items, Final Destination. That’s the only way it was ever intended to be played.
Everyone knows that the only way to play Smash Brothers is Fox only, no items, Final Destination. That’s the only way it was ever intended to be played.
Has the Steven Universe fandom taught us nothing? If someone draws a character as slightly thinner than usuaul, the only recourse is to force them to commit suicide.
Jagi+Jagi’s brain matter OTP
Shortly after Blizzard begins to make some strides with an LGBTQ character, they negate all of it by forcing two more into CISdom. Great. Why do they HAVE to make characters hetero?
I’ve beaten Mike Tyson. It remains my personal biggest gaming achievement. Here’s how:
-I read step-by-step guides, punch by punch.
-I watched it on Youtube for hours on end.
-I kept trying for a period of time totalling about twenty days.
-On the day when I actually won, it took six hours on Mike Tyson.
So there’s your…
I’ve beaten Mike Tyson. It remains my personal biggest gaming achievement. Here’s how:
-I read step-by-step guides, punch by punch.
-I watched it on Youtube for hours on end.
-I kept trying for a period of time totalling about twenty days.
-On the day when I actually won, it took six hours on Mike Tyson.
So there’s your…
I agree, we should kill them all!
I’m working an overnight shift. Since getting this job in September, I’ve managed to work on Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. BINGO
She’ll be remembered in the UFC as someone who was only matched against weak people, jobbers, and folks who wanted to lose. Every time she has come up against anybody halfway decent, she’s been steamrolled.
You know, it’s funny. Rousey was never good - she was set up against jobbers from Day One, which bui.t up her ego. The moment she faced somebodywho could fight, she lost. And here’s the thing. If she had taken her first loss well and been a decent sport, she could have recovered. But no, she acted like a crying,…
Rhonda Rousey was always weak. She had it coming for a long time - setting her up against easy wins and/or throwing matches does not make a person a good competitor.
Of course, nobody’s going to promote Amande Nunes, because now they’re just not going to promote any women.
I knew someone who considered reading the manual cheating. He never got past the first stage of Mega Man X because “I couldn’t beat the cyclops robot,” not realizing that the first boss is scripted.
Which isn’t in the manual, either, but you get my point.
So, white guy is offended because someone said something mean about him.
And this is news?
My grandmother used to live in the same Manhattan apartment complex as John Stossel. Same elevator line, too. I didn’t know this until I just randomly bumped into him a couple of times. Actually, this isn’t a bad story, dude was pretty cool.
The first time, I was taking the dog out to do his business - it was like…
Fist of the North Star inspired me to work out and decapitate people.
Such a glorious lionization of one of the world’s greatest men.
“Eat it.”
There’s your answer.
This matters as much as Bill Clinton’s affairs. So what I’m saying is, Republicans should condemn Donald Trump, while Democrats should support him :)