
@andrewjp33: haha not sure i really understand that experession in this case... the first remote was free, there was no reason to forego it to wait for the 2nd one.

Once you eat a bag of spicy nacho doritos there is no going back to regular. The spicy nacho doesn't really "burn" you its just better. So i don't know if i agree with the masochist theory

Gosh there have been many decals on Etsy that i've wanted! I wish they would make for than 10 of them, they always seem to sell out right way.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.2: Spot on. My mother got a new 13'' MBP and i was shocked how light, thin, and solid it felt.

Agreed 100%. In an attempt to make things bullet proof certain feautures are behind the scenes. When they don't work, you are SOL.

This would be amazingly useful on a farm! 3G is pretty sparse out on the farms i've been. It would be really great to be able to shoot out your home wifi for a mile radius!

Blockbuster declares the end of late fees... again

@comrade_leviathan: haha My thoughts exactly. For those not in the know, the character Sokka forged a sword out of a meteorite in Avatar the Last Airbender. Perhaps Sir Terry stole the idea from the cartoon

@diverguy: haha seriously. I remember on Myth Busters they shot different kinds of guns at gas tanks to see if they would explode or start fire. Busted! I don't know if I believe it was regular bullets that started the fire. If you can't light gasoline with bullets you probably can't light brush.

@triggerx: Thanks, i don't think it is that straight forward though. Take for instance Blockbuster and Netflix who went toe to toe against each other. They are/were the gorillas in the market. Things like Red Box etc are chimps in the market, they are not going to overthrow the gorilla but can still be successful

Just like the zune went for the throat of the portable music (strike not working?)iPod market. Good luck Microsoft

I'm surprised that Now Hear This didn't make the list. [nhthifi.com] They typically show up whenever you have a comparisson like this ex: [news.cnet.com]

@nikefreak252: i agree. It would also be a good backup safety measure considering he was rarely clipped in

The US is so far behind the times. I saw a UK commerical where you get 20 mb down (not guaranteed, but still fast enough) plus calling and its FREE if you use less than 2gb a day 7.5 lbs for unlimited. [www.sky.com]

@adhawk1337: What are you using for WPA... a dictionary hash? I didn't think there was a cryptanalysis for WPA?

@mammoth111: my thoughts exactly. iPhone i choose you!

@the_podfather: COD 4 Modern Warfare mission haha i guess it was more iconic for me than anyone else. Sorry Though its funny that all piliots seem to have the same voice

"adjust elevation scan... set scan range... you are firing too close to the church do not fire on directly on the church!"