
@aelver: I thought it was clever how they phrased "outdoor with night vision" as if to make it less obvious that everyone is thinking it'd be good for the bedrooms... oh ... was that just me?

@zelannii: I don't know much about compound bows but wikipedia said the range was 160 - 320 fps. It looks really cool to me... not sure what you mean by the quiver, do you usually hang your's from the bow?

@Sionica: Thanks, i was wondering how they were able to keep the air fresh. Its a cool thing to have actually done but i was hoping it'd be more sea quest

@Chroma3000: I remember reading more about this whole debacle early in the gamecube lifecycle when the PS2 was wiping the floor with them. If i recall the "breakup" between Nintendo and Sony was even more colorful than that. Nintendo has never had any business sense. They canceled the Sony Playstation add on right

@hightechredneck: Thanks my problem though is i feel like i don't know enough to be able to teach myself guitar. Someone taught me how to move my fingers for a rolled chord which was great because i'd look up a tab and finger pick every last note. Now i realize a lot of those songs are just a rolled chord motion.

@ithyphallus, 13382: Interesting. I believe it, the original playstation was born out of a scapped CD add on for SNES. In fact the code name was playstation.

@KamWrex: I feel so sorry for you. Thank you for the nostalgia

I'm probably going to get made fun of... but i've kind of been waiting for the white iphone 4. Figure they'll have any kinks ironed out. I heard sept time frame from their antennagate press conf... and chance it will be bought up at this?

That is good news. I'm always worried that i'll accidentally tell my computer to sleep through the winter.

@Twanzio: I think its really dangerous right now to release a serious Android phone on AT&T because the iPhone is the biggest competition. Therefore the android phones you do see are these niche things to try and play to the blue ocean strategy and attract people that aren't buying iPhones.

I saw this sort of thing from them at CES 2009. I was kind of underwhelmed there because of the sweet spot issue, and the kind of hazy vertical lines it showed like a one of those cheap hologram stickers. Hopefully they have come a ways since then.

At work i've had a script running on a 16 core server for almost a month. It can only make 100% use of 1 of the 16 cores... looks like this would address such issues.

The world is suposedly running out of everything, including copper, silver, iridium, etc. I thought i read the article about it on giz, but couldn't find it. Here are external links for,

@Mark 2000: Personally i've never been disappointed doing that

I feel like its just manipulating and displaying what has already been calculated? Reminds me of when people freaked out over FMV on the original Playstation.

@TSmith: That is a good point. I plan on buying a white iphone... figure they'll have any kinks ironed out. But in the year 2006 i did a project at college where i shot a movie and did some cheezy cuts etc in iMovie to mimick special effects. People were impressed! The fact that 4 years later, i can do that on a

@kingcrim84: I suspect shark watching might = whale watching = water starring

The benefits listed are correct but kind of not for the whole reason. Computer and software archetecutre is all designed around keeping a steady flow of instructions into the processor. Which means, keep them in SRAM since its usually ON the processor and blazingly fast. If the instructions are there, they should

I had a waterbed when i was a kid and though i didn't do anything "sexy" on it, i can't imagine it would be that good for it. For example, any sort of beat or rhythm of movement is confined to the speed of the waves you are generating on the bed. So pushing on it down, requires the wave to ripple to the end/sides of